Before Blake could do anything- not that he could really do anything, Aliyah turned on her heel and headed for the door. A quick application of her magic removed the remainder of her massive meal from her top and face, restoring her to her usual angelic visage.


Were it not for the comically engorged belly she was sporting, she would've looked like a (very buxom) stunningly beautiful woman. As it was, she was still quite the beauty... just sporting a huge, round belly as if she'd come straight from some world championship eating contest.


"Uh, Aliyah? Are you... are you really going out like that?"


"Are you referring to my stomach? It is quite noticeable, isn't it?"


Blake wouldn't call Aliyah's bulging belly 'noticeable' so much as a good case of 'the elephant in the room.' No matter where she went or who she talked to, that balloon-belly of hers was going to stick out like a sore thumb. And a woman of Aliyah's looks (and curves) was already someone who would be extremely eye-catching.


Aliyah sighed, gently stroking her engorged middle. There was still a faint ache to it, but as she'd told Blake her natural durability, as well as that of her stomach, was many times that of a human. Where a human woman would've likely been hospitalized after such an enormous- possibly even gut-busting meal, to Aliyah it was only a minor tummyache.


Feeling her belly-bound prisoner/companion shivering softly at her gentle touch, Aliyah's gaze softened.


"As much as I'd like to stay and relax, I am on the job after all.You weren't the only reason I came to this city."


"Wait, really? You mean-"


"Yeah, you probably guessed it. There are other bad elements at play. Well, I wouldn't call you a 'bad element' now that I know you, but I'm not sure about the other sources I'm supposed to investigate."


That sounded intriguing to Blake, and it wasn't like he could do anything else, what with him being trapped in Aliyah's inflated tummy right now.


"Who else are you investigating?"


"Hmm... I suppose there's no harm in telling you, seeing as you'll be going along with me. There's evidence of demonic activities at play in this city, and I need to find out what is going on, how much of a threat the presence is, and eliminate it if necessary."


Okay, that actually sounded a little scary to Blake!


"Wait, c-can you take me out of your abs before you go?"


"Not happening, you're being punished, remember? Besides, you have nothing to worry about. My body is tough as nails, remember? Heh, it would take a lot more than this-" At that, Aliyah gave her globular gut a light swat, setting Blake jiggling as the contents of her tightly-packed tummy wobbled and churned.


"To really upset my stomach!" Aliyah laughed, pushing open the door to Blake's dorm room and walking outside.

April 5
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