“Ah, crap..!”


Blake couldn’t believe what he was seeing outside his window - in the distant city, a familiar dark-haired, large-bodied young woman wearing a purple crop top and blue jean shorts - now approximately 50 feet tall. No question, this was Nora Comet, Blake’s most frequent bully! But this time around, her sadistic smirk wasn’t present on her face. For once, Nora seemed…rather confused and scared!


The monolithic bully nervously stomped through the streets, her pudgy stomach occasionally colliding with tall buildings and making them crumble to rubble in the process. She tried her best not to crush any of the fleeing civilians, and so far was doing a wonderful job there; the citizens’ vehicles, on the other hand, weren’t so lucky - reduced to scrap heaps by Nora’s titanic sneakers.


Witnessing this accidental destruction from the safety of his dorm, Blake began to panic. Nora was now a literal giantess, and it was all his fault! He needed to find a way to fix this massive mess, and fast!


But what could he do at a time like this?

January 29
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