With escape from Claire's belly being impossible right now, Blake had to listen to her digesting her food for hours. At first, he thought the constant groaning and gurgling behind him would drive him crazy, but soon it became nothing but background noise to him. Still, it remained a constant, humiliating reminder of being eaten by his own mother.


Whenever Blake heard another person's voice, he kicked and squirmed as much as he could, hoping to get the attention of whoever was talking to his mother. Unfortunately for him, with Claire's top completely covering him, his struggles were almost impossible to see. He cried out for help as well, but between the chatting voices of his mother and her colleagues and the gurgles and rumbles from the stomach behind him, his voice was drowned out every time.


Whenever Claire was alone, she would smile as she snuck in a quick belly rub. Even when her son wasn't moving around much, he still felt really nice in her belly. She was gonna miss this lovely feeling once she got him out at the end of the day. Then again, maybe she could keep him in her belly a little longer. At least then he'd be safe and sound.


Eventually, the working day was done and Claire left the office with nobody even suspecting that her son was stuck in her abs. As she drove home, Blake heard her moan from time to time as she continued to enjoy the feeling of having him in her belly. His pleas for her to go to the university to get his spellbook were completely ignored and part of him began to worry that he was never going to get out of his mom's belly.


Once she got home, Claire went to her room to change out of her work clothes and into something more comfortable - specifically, her sports bra and yoga pants. Blake was glad to be able to see the outside world again and not just a wall of grey fabric, but when he saw the reflection of his mother in the mirror and saw what she was wearing, his relief turned to terror. As nice as she looked with her toned midriff exposed like that, it surely meant she was going to do some exercise, which risked burning up Blake's biomass.


"No, mom, don't do your exercises!" Blake yelled as he kicked and squirmed as much as he could. His mom may not have listened to him when he told her he wanted to be let out, but maybe she would listen to him now.

November 18, 2023