After saying this, Axmont picks you up and drops you back into his boot. You go through the same torture as you had before, watching his toes descend into the cavern and fill the space around you, pinning you beneath his sole. The scent is just as rancid as all consuming as before, rewiring your brain in order to cope with it, and the feeling is still warm and comforting before the steps begin, but the steps do begin and this time they don't stop for a while.


 At one point, Axmont got bored of simply milking you underfoot, and instead decides it's time to trample. It's relatively easy for him to shake you down to the heel of his foot, and while you try holding on to his toes, they're slicked with sweat and you're unable to get a good grip. You slide down the squishy insole and end up watching in horror as his heel comes crashing down, and he grinds you down. Luckily the soft nature of the insole is enough to stave off the inevitable for at least a couple extra steps, but eventually his enormous strength becomes to much and you're greeted with the haunting words.


Respawning in 3... 2... 1...


When you respawn, you're back where you just were, underneath his heel. You get trampled for a couple more minutes until Axmont reaches his destination, the house of...

September 7
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