You thought through all the options available to you. Loincloth was NOT an option, although it may end up being the safest in the end, you were above such humiliating extremes. Which left the options of his pits and his shoes. You looked at Axmont in front of you and shuddered. First his pits: they were hairy, and glimmered with sweat, you could almost feel the heat radiating off of them. Then, his shoes: they were a pair of old boots, unremarkable at best, there was almost nothing you could glean from them.


"-Hurry up, bug, I don't have all day."

Being called a bug stung. You were more then that, you were a proud fairy, a creature of magic. But none of that mattered now, Axmont was getting visibly frustrated.


Choosing to take a risk, you made a decision: "Shoes."


Axmonts face broke into a wicked, toothy grin as he leaned forward towards you.


"Good answer, bug-"


There it was again, that stupid stupid insult. Being called a bug stung, but at least you knew it couldn't be worse then his pits or his loincloth. You felt confident that you had chosen the lesser of all evils.


"You know I haven't worn a different pair of shoes in nearly 10 years."



"Yeaaaaah I see that shocked expression. 10 years with these babies, and WOOO are they ripe. You've made a mighty fine choice might I say, bug. Now get ready, you're not gonna get any fresh air in quite some time."


With that you watched with horror as he removed his left boot, releasing his sweat slicked feet from their stuffy prison. The smell that followed confirmed your horrors: you absolutely chose the worst possible option. Not only was your nose assaulted by the stench of aged feet, but you got quite a clear view, through your now watering eyes, of the absolutely demolished inside. The interior of his boots were ratty and ripped up, with the previously white insole now a sick shade of orange. 


To your horror Axmont began lowering you to the opening of his boot, at which your struggling increased tenfold, and the crying and begging began.


"Awwwww look at the little bug, all desperate to get away! You know I would've been nicer if you hadn't tried to escape, maybe you could've been a bracelet, or a necklace, but no, you decided you wanted to make your life worse. You were the one who ran from me, you were the one who got caught by me, and you were the one who chose the be put in my shoes. Don't try to blame anyone but yourself. Oh and while you're down there, be sure to give my foot lots of love, I need the magic from your tiny cock, and I'll be getting it one way or another."


With that, you were dropped unceremoniously into his boot. Although you try to fly away his toes have already covered the opening to his boot, sealing off your only exit. The smell before was bad, but this smell? This smell was enough to drive anyone insane. Massive digits press down your tiny figure into the insole as his foot slots comfortably into his boot. You're now firmly pressed into place, with no chance of escape.

August 27
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