Hide the truth in a nice compliment
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"I couldn't see past your lovely breasts," you say.

"Oh? So-" Izumi says smugly but you quickly interrupt her before she could finish.

"I'm really jealous of them," you say. You want to take advantage of your new female body to save the conversation, but at the same time, you also wish your boobs were bigger, especially when comparing them with Izumi's.

"W-wait, you're jealous of my breasts?" Izumi says with a purple blush forming on her red cheeks.

You see your ruse has worked and keep up the pressure. "Yeah. I was always a little insecure about my bust size. But compared to your four breasts, well I couldn't help but...kind of admire you and how you work so easily with them in the way," you said.

Izumi kept blushing and looked down at your chest and her chest. It seemed like she was feeling guilty over picking on you now. "H-hey, I didn't mean to make you jealous. Militovans like me have much larger breasts anyway than humans anyway, so don't feel bad. If anything, I think your breasts are really nice too," Izumi said with her cheeks turning more purple. She clearly trying to console you, although it was kind of pointless, you thought.

"R-really?" you say keeping up the act, although you don't notice yourself blushing at the compliment.

"Yeah, really. Sorry for calling you a pervert earlier. Humans aren't really to militovans, especially our breasts. It just unnerving sometimes getting so many stares and perverted comments all the time."

"Oh. It's alright, I get it," you say, already knowing that part of her storyline.

"What's your name again? Shujiko?"

"Yeah. Shujiko Kou. And you're Izumi?" you ask, already knowing the answer.

"That's what everyone calls me," Izumi repeats.

"Hey, why don't ___, to make up for unnerving you so much?" you offer.
March 23