As much as he was anxious to be on time for the first day of his hero academia, Izuku decided that discretion was the better part of valor in this case. Even though Inko was a gentle and loving mother, like any woman she could easily become a safety hazard if she didn't know he was close to or on her body. Better to be safe than sorry, he figured.


Ten minutes of patient waiting later, he was rewarded with the ear-splitting of his mom's alarm clock, far louder than the male-sized version he owned. A giant hand emerged from under the covers and groped around until it had found and silenced the device, but now everything was beginning to stir. "Uuunnnnhhh~" His mom groggily moaned, and he looked on as she began to emerge from her slumber.


To him, it was like watching an entire landscape come to life. Her huge mouth gaped open into a cavern as she yawned; Izuku could have easily walked into it if he'd been on her pillow. As her eyes began to open, she rolled over in bed and began to stretch her arms and legs. He was now glad he hadn't decided to take the risk and . There were so many places he might have ended up being unwittingly tossed or pushed into-her mouth, her cleavage, her navel or even in her buttocks. 


That last one would be especially bad, because there was one more thing that usually happened whenever his mom got up in the morning. As Inko continued to stretch, she pushed out her ample posterior, causing her immense buttcheeks to start moving away from one another. If her rump wasn't being covered up by the sheets and by her nightwear, Izuku would now have been able to see into his mother's buttcrack as her cheeks fully parted, revealing her anus in its centre. 


Feeling a pressure inside her that was begging for release, Inko grunted softly as she gave a push. "Hnng~" That minor exertion was all that her sphincter needed to start bulging and blossoming outwards like a flower. And then-




Morning Thunder was something most people had to deal with, of course, but the size difference between the genders meant a considerable difference in its effects. What was an embarrassing but relieving morning routine for any girl or woman was a thunderous, putrid eruption to any male unfortunate enough to be in the blast radius. Fortunately, Izuku was well away from his mom's butt on her dresser, though that didn't stop the sound of her expulsions from ringing his ears, nor did it stop his eyes from seeing the covers slightly balloon outwards. The giantess herself, meanwhile, let out a relieved sigh as she felt some of the pressure on her backside dissipate, though she blushed as she realized her booty blast would have woken up her son, assuming he wasn't already up. 


Speaking of her son, Inko suddenly remembered this was his first day of high school and rushed out of her bed to check up on him, only to be relieved when she saw the familiar tiny tuft of green hair on her dresser. Izuku experienced an eclipse of sorts as his mother's familiar shadow fell over him, caused by her leaning down so she could greet him at his eye level.


"Good morning sweetie!"


Even though Inko wasn't an especially loud talker, especially this early in the morning, her voice still had enough physical force behind it that Izuku was almost knocked onto his butt. The pale expanse of her face completely filled up his view. Izuku had lived with his mom for his whole life and was used to this and many other awe-inspiring views of her, but they always reminded him of how small he really was.


"Good morning, Mom!" He then wrinkled his nose as the smell of Inko's previous emissions caught up to him. It was inevitable that Izuku would witness many of his mother's bodily functions when he was so much smaller than she was, especially since they shared the same bedroom, but both of them were still a bit embarrassed about it.


Unfortunately for them, Inko's colon was still rather active, and it was just at that moment an intense pressure struck her. She only had enough time to let out an "Nnnh~!" as she bore down and released another, much wetter toot: 





Even with his mom's rear thankfully pointing in the opposite direction, the sound of her butt blast alone caused him to stumble and fall onto his own butt. Then the smell hit him. It was much more potent now, with a nasty undertone of human waste and a level of moisture that could have only one origin. 


"Sorry! Mommy really had to let that one out." Inko blushed as she felt more than just gas starting to force its way out of her rectum, then hurriedly vanished into the bathroom. Izuku resigned himself to another long wait, trying not to listen to the noises coming from the bathroom. His size meant every sound was so much louder for him than it was for his mother, and things only got worse when Inko decided she might as well shower and freshen up while she was in there, creating a nonstop cacophony that, while not nearly as loud, made up for it with sheer frequency.


Twenty minutes later, Inko emerged from the bathroom freshly relieved, washed, and dressed. "Come on up, sweetie," she told her son as she approached him again, lowering a hand onto the table. He obligingly stepped onto it, being careful to mind his footing; walking on a giantess's hand, or any other part of her body, was different from walking on a solid surface, since the "terrain" was not only less stable but also mobile, and all the more challenging to navigate. 


In a matter of seconds, Inko walked over into the apartment's living room, a distance that would take over ten minutes for Izuku to traverse. Though he'd done it thousands of times before-it was a much more convenient way to get around the apartment-it was always exhilarating to be carried around in this way. He was lucky that his mother was always so gentle when handling him, even if she could get careless at times. She set him down on their shared breakfast table, which had another, much smaller table and accompanying chair on top-another commonplace feature for mixed-gender households.


Once Izuku had been seated and the table set, she took her own seat, facing her diminutive son. "Itadakimasu!" They said together, before digging in. His portion was absurdly small, consisting of half a grain of rice, a droplet of water, and crumbs. But since he wasn't quite an inch tall, this was more than enough to fill him up.


At least it would be if his mom wasn't being such a massive distraction-literally. Her massive (to him) breasts hung over the table in front of him, creating a huge overhang. Thanks to this obstruction, Izuku had to really crane his neck to get a look at her face, even though she was seated, but the effort was rewarded by the massive spectacle of her colossal mouth taking in her next spoonful. He couldn't even eat an entire grain of rice in one sitting, yet she was scooping dozens of them at a time with each spoonful and depositing up into her massive maw. He watched as she chewed the mass of food in her mouth and then swallowed, the bulge traveling down her throat until it reached a stomach that could accommodate over a hundred men at once. 


It was humbling to be in the presence of a woman-even his mom-when she was eating. Izuku thought about how, very soon, her stomach would churn and melt down a massive pile of food, a pile large enough to completely engulf him. Then the mush would be pushed through what, for him, was over a mile of small intestine, where their nutrients would be absorbed to fuel her vast body. The undigested remainder would finally enter her cavernous large intestine, where they would become solid and be compacted together with the remains of her earlier meals, before being stored in her colon and rectum and left to ferment until she felt the urge and-


He put those thoughts aside before he could lose his appetite and focused back on eating, trying his best not to have any weird thoughts again. 


By the time the two of them were done with breakfast, it was 7:55AM; there were just thirty-five minutes until class would start. "Mom, we're going to be late!" He called out to her. "Can you bring me over to the elevator?" Like most buildings built after the Dawn of Quirks, this apartment included infrastructure specifically designed to be used by inch-tall people, such as male elevators that could hitch rides on the full-sized, female elevator to allow easy access to the ground floor or underground parking lot. Once he was outside, he had the benefit of UA being pretty close to where he was, with multiple different forms of male-friendly public transport catering for tiny students and faculty.


Hearing his request, Inko lowered her hand down to his level again and he hopped on, expecting her to do as he'd asked, but instead he found her hands closing around his body until only his head remained free. 


"Do you really have to go to your first class by yourself?" She asked. "It's too dangerous for a young man to be go out alone! I can take you there instead." Izuku knew what she meant, but nowadays male-only public transportation was readily available and, though oftentimes inconvenient to use, was mostly safe. He'd gone to Aldera from this apartment hundreds of times without much issue.


"Thanks, but I'm going to be fine, mom. You don't have to worry about me constantly."


After some pondering, Inko decided that she couldn't just argue with her son forever when he had to go to school. "I'll...."

March 14
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