Noticed by Your Superior
· original author:
Looking up towards your new acquaintance's massive face, you saw two piercing red orbs staring down at you like a pair of suns. Akira seemed to have spotted you, but did she realize you weren't just a bug? You jumped and waved while shouting out her name in hopes that she would inspect you more closely. It seemed to do the trick as after a few surprised blinks, she leaned in close.

"Is that... are you a person?" She asks, almost doubting her own words.

Success. "Akria! It's me! Please pick me up!" You yell.

She reaches down but instead of letting you climb onto her palm like you had hoped, she plucked you up, pinching your torso between her thumb and finger, and quickly brought you up to her face. You didn't like to be held this way. It always felt like there was a reasonable chance of getting crushed or dropped. Though your instincts told you to struggle, you stayed still so not to exacerbate things. Akira's giant pupils scanned your tiny form. You were so close and small that you could see the bits of dust in her eyelashes.

"Kid? What happened to you?" She asked astonished.

Thank God she recognized you, that made things a lot easier. "Well... this is the reason I go to Yamaku. At random times I just... shrink. Sometimes it's only and inch or two. Sometimes it's... this."

"So... how long does it last?" She asks. Her voice was concerned, but it was clear she was still wrapping her mind around the situation.

"It doesn't wear off. I mean my medicine reverses the effect, but without it I'm stuck at this size," You explain.

"And you left it back at the mini-mart right?"


She lets out a sigh before tilling her head back and draining her can of its remaining contents. Her gulping throat pulses in front of you and it's a little intimidating. You can even here the liquid flowing down to her depths. You are broken out of your trance by a refreshed "Ahh", accompanied by a moist, spicy wind. Akira had unintentionally blasted you with a lukewarm, wheaty breath in appreciation of her drink. It was a bit odd smelling, but at least it wasn't a burp. With her beverage empty, she tossed it into a nearby garbage can and carefully dropped you into her suit's breast pocket.

"Hang tight in there kid. I'll get you back to normal in normal in no time." Her voice was a little muffled by the fabric, but she sounded confident.

You couldn't see anything in the dark pocket, but you could certainly feel that she was walking. The walls were tight, but not crushing. The soft material was fairly comfortable, not to mention slick enough so that the movement of the jacket didn't rub you raw. You could smell a hint of perfume seeping through her clothing and you couldn't help but think about how only a few thin layers were separating you from her boob. She looked somewhat flat-chested before, but each of her girls were still the size of a building to you at the moment. Combined with the warmth and her soothing heartbeat, you felt yourself starting to slip away from consciousness.

Your daydreaming was interrupted a few minutes later by Akira's voice. "Kid, you still with me in there?"

"Yeah, I'm doing fine," You shout. "Did you find my bag?"

She replies...
February 17
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