Ear Rider
· original author:

You were thrown from your sitting position, rolling backwards along the fleshy cave, further back into her ear. You spit up a few chunks of wax , grabbing onto a light brown hair as a rope.

Emi apparently wasn't being careful, and her running was easily jostling you around.

You looked behind you, seeing a thin, pink translucent disk at the very back of the cave. Obviously is was Emi's eardrum, and if you hadn't grabbed onto the little hairs, you would've smacked right into it.

That.... could've been bad. Eardrums were supposedly very sensitive organs, and there's no doubt getting thrown up against it would hurt you as well.

"You alright in there?" Emi asked from outside, her own voice vibrating her eardrum as the cave shook again. It had a slight echoic quality to it, no doubt because of the locale.

"Yeah!" you called, not to outside but toward the drum, to which it vibrated again. You were amazed by how sensitive Emi's hearing was. Your little tiny voice could cause such a huge vibration.

"Good, we're arrived at you room!" she said, rustling around in your backpack to get your keys.

"Now, let's find your medication! I could imagine you don't want to be shrunk for much longer!"

You shook your head.

"Yeah. The horror stories I could tell you..."

"Sounds awful..." she said quietly. "Not to mention, we can't exactly have sex in your condition..."

Dead silence. You could feel the skin walls of the ear heat up around you as Emi realized her... slip-up. Not to mention, your own face was clearly turning beet red as your mind began racing.

"U-Uh, what I mean is.. would you mind making your way to the entrance of my ear? I think I found your medication!"

You get up to move, and...
February 17