The sporty one
· original author:
It's been a few days since you were transferred to Yamaku High. You've adjusted to the classes well enough, and are starting to think about making friends. None of your friends from your old school had followed you here. For good reason, you supposed. They didn't have any disabilities. Unlike you. You, had a very strange one. A medical marvel. Your body would simply shrink, from time to time. How much you shrank varied. You could lose a centimeter, or shrink to a centimeter, with no apparent rhyme or reason. Your clothes would always shrink with you as well, when it happened, but it was disconcerting, dangerous, and peculiar. Doctors couldn't explain it, and tests had been run. So far nothing about it could be explained, but they had devised a way of preventing it from happening. Your medication. Filled with growth hormones, they could trick your body into returning to normal size, or prevent it shrinking whenever you had a spell. Until this had been discovered-- when you were about seven years old, there had been no way to reverse the shrinking. Thankfully, it seemed that you were incapable of shrinking smaller than about half a centimeter, and most of the instances, you rarely dropped under an inch in height. Though that was still awfully small.

Attempts to attend normal schools had failed miserably. Your grades had suffered severely for the constant absences, so the decision was made to send you somewhere more understanding-- Yamaku. Where everyone had a story, and everyone had something keeping them out of a normal school. Well. Almost everyone at least. A place where someone like you could fit in.

You had been here for a few days, of course, and were getting anxious that you hadn't really talked to anyone yet. The opportunity never came up. You were starting to wonder about ways to meet with people, and the obvious answer was through clubs. You heard the school council was recruiting, and the art club was always open. You considered both those options, and then thought of another one. Due to your disability, you had been forced to develop a hell of an athletic body, just to stay alive. Sprinting, running, leaping, tumbling, lifting. You could handle pain like nobody else. You figured that sports wouldn't be a problem to someone like you!

So here you were. At the track, at 7am in the morning. Running had become second nature to you, and on a few experimental laps around the track, you ran like the wind.

"Wow!" A girls voice sounded from your left, as you finished the lap. You turned your head to see a young girl jogging towards you. She had blonde hair, tied in pigtails, and vibrant green eyes. The thing that immediately drew your attention to her were her legs. They were disturbingly artificial.

"That was really fast! I was timing you! You ran that lap of the track in only 52 seconds! You've run before, huh?" She asked, practically bouncing in place.You see that she's extremely energetic, and nod.

"Yeah, well. I've had lots of practice." You explain to her, smiling. Maybe you've already made a new friend! "I was thinking of maybe joining one of the athletic clubs and figured I'd start with the track team." You say, holding out a hand in greeting. She takes your hand and shakes it emphatically.

"Yeah! We could use someone as fast as you! My name's Emi by the way!" She expresses cheerfully. "While we're both here, do you want to run a few more laps! I always run a few before school!" She informs you, jogging to the start line.

You think for a moment. In your hurry this morning you forgot to take your medication. It wasn't far, you knew. Just in your backpack on the other side of the track. Still, probably wasn't best to wait too long. You might have been able to sprint the length of this track in less than a minute, but from the moment you felt one of your spells coming on, and you actually shrinking it usually took less than ten seconds. Having your medication on hand was generally a good idea. If you'd only recently taken it it wouldn't be a problem, but you knew you hadn't taken any since yesterday evening...

Still, that smile was infectious and you couldn't help yourself.

"Sure Emi!" You declare, and take your place on the start line as well.

The two of you jog around the track for a few minutes, making idle banter as you go. You realize that Emi is actually remarkably quick as well. But after a few minutes, you begin to feel a familiar tingle. Oh no... not now... anytime but now! You begin to pick up your pace. You're coming around the lap and can see your bag, by the track. Only a single stretch of track to go before you get there. You begin to go into a full out sprint. Emi, notices this, and grins, and begins to speed up as well. She hardly realizes the urgency of your situation! Shrinking out here, next to your new friend? To say nothing of the perils of shrinking in the middle of a track!

Can you make it in time?
February 17
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