You don't make it to your bag, and you shri...
· original author:
You felt a huge squirt of tingling in your body. *Oh no! This is much worse than I expected. In an instant, your body shrank to size not bigger than a centimeter. Probably 1/4 or a centimeter.

This is bad. Real bad. I've shrunk too small. What's worst is that I'm lost in the middle of the track field...

Emi reaches the finish line first, cheering and jumping around in excitement. She turns around to see your progress but her smiling face was replaced with a mask of confusion. "Weird...I could've sworn that he was only a metres back from me. Where have he gone to?" Emi ponders for a few seconds before walking straight into your direction.

You felt a strong tremble to your surroundings. You look around and saw Emi's prosthetics are heading into your direction! If you don't get her attention soon she might just crush you into a bloody pulp and not feel anything. As soon as she reaches near you you jump around, screaming and waving to her, hoping that she notices your miniscule body.
February 17
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