She does not notice you but stops her tracks ju...
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You frantically waves your arms, hoping that she could see you but it was no use. She just kept on moving forward and is coming much more closer to you.

Oh it's no use, she's gonna crush me flat under those prosthetics........

You closed your eyes, waiting for your impending doom. Second by second, you kept your eyes closed. Fear was now coating all over. Beads of sweat form on your forehead and your clothes are soaked with your rain of sweat.

Suddenly, the tremor stopped. You thought it was all over. Is it done? Am I finally dead? You pondered to yourself. Slowly, you creak your eyes open. Looking down, you saw your feet was still intact with the track. As you raised your gaze upwards, you saw a long silver plastic object just a few inches right in front of you. Oh god.....and I thought I was already dead........... You gave a sigh of relief and calm your body from the intense shivering.

Here's my chance. I better climb up her prosthetic feet just in case she still couldn't hear my cries. Quickly, you rushed towards her silver legs and jump onto the flat platform of the prosthetics.

"Hmmmm.......He must've have ran off somewhere else. It's not nice to quit in a middle of race." Emi pouts. She checks her watch and the time show 7.50a.m.
"Oh no! I'm gonna be late for class. Better hurry up!" In a jiffy, she sprints her way back to her room, unaware of the little passenger that was riding her prosthetic legs.

Her legs shakes vigorously. It was really hard for you to hold on since the material was made out of smooth and slippery plastic and there's nothing to hold on to. Do you......
February 17
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