· original author:
You decide spending time with Emi is not worth being chewed out by the nurse. After all, if you both decide to run in the mornings, you'll definitely see her again. You wave goodbye to her and head to the dorms to shower and relax before class starts.

It turns out you're more right than you know. You realize today for the first time that she's in your class. You were so focused on getting used to your surroundings that you never really paid attention to your classmates. Obviously Emi is the same way, as she seems to just notice you for the first time when your eyes meet. She smiles and winks, then turns back to the board to pay attention to the teacher's lecture.

Later she invites you to lunch, when you're introduced to her friend Rin, who is also in your class. It's here that you learn what Emi meant by Rin's "collection," as the first thing she does when you introduce yourself is ask what your disability is. Feeling better about it after your long conversation with Emi, you tell her. She's incredulous to say the least, but luckily Emi's vouching for you keeps you from having to provide a "demonstration." In short order, you seem to have made yet another new friend, though you're not sure how long you could be in her company alone without going insane and trying to eat your own necktie.

The next few days pass uneventfully as you run with Emi in the mornings, eat lunch with her and Rin, and dutifully remember to take your medication. Until one night, you have a dream.

Your back at your old school, the size of a bug and taped to a chair. Once again, you're having a nightmare about the incident that caused you to be withdrawn from normal high school. You struggle, as you always do, to get free of the tape, when a shadow looms over you. You glance up to see the enormous rear end of Yuriko, your crush, as it lowers to the chair.

"YURIKO!" you yell. "STOP!"

Her butt stops. Years of having to get the attention of normal sized people gave you a hell of a lung capacity, and she hears you with no problem. Unfortunately, your troubles have just begun.

"What? You!" She says, eyes narrowed. "Are you lying there to get a peek up my skirt?"

"What?! No!" you yell desperately. "Those assholes did this to me! You gotta get this tape off me and help me find my meds!"

"Hmph, you did, didn't you. Pervert!" She smirks. She heard you just fine, she just doesn't care. You realize with dread that the girl of your dreams is just like all the others. And now you're going to pay for your naivete.

"Perverts need to be punished. Don't they, everyone?" She yells this out to the class. They know voices are amplified to you when you're shrunken, so they always make sure to speak as loudly as possible when they're tormenting you. The class responds with hoots and hollers.

"Yeah, Yuriko! Smash his guts out! You show that freak!"

Yuriko grins evilly and pulls out a mechanical pencil, preparing to jab you in the stomach with it. You were laid up in the hospital for a long time afterward when this happened in real life. You still have the scar to this day. And Yuriko, whose father was your father's boss, never even got in trouble for it.

"Leave him alone, you bitch!"

You look up to see Emi, clad in the girl's uniform from your old school, punch Yuriko in the face. After a moment's hesitation, the rest of the class gangs up on her, and she takes out every single one of them. It's like watching an action movie on the biggest screen you've ever seen.

Your tormentors beaten and unconscious on the ground, Emi turns to you and smiles, her school uniform gradually transforming into the Yamaku gym attire she wore when you first got to know her.

"Don't worry. I'm here this time."

She gently pulls the tape off of you, picks you up, and cradles you in the palm of her hand.

"I'll protect you," she says softly. She leans in to kiss you, her lips about to envelope your whole face...

...and you wake up.

You stare at the ceiling. It's still dark outside, well before your alarm goes off for your usual morning run. You've just realized two very important things.

One, you've fallen in love with with Emi Ibarasaki.

Two, you want to be tiny around her.

No, you think. No. This is a dumb idea, and you're dumb for even thinking about it...
February 17
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