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Soon, the tingling finishes. You look around. To your relief, while you obviously shrank, it was one of your less debilitating episodes. After all, you're still human sized. Sensing the danger has passed, you slow down to a brisk jog as you head back to your bag to get your medicine. However, Emi notices you've slowed down and looks behind her, obviously wondering why her new running partner eased up.

"Hey!" she says, teasingly, "you're not letting me win 'cause I'm a girl, are you? Because I'll... whoa, what happened to you?"

Obviously, you shrank a little more than you thought. While you were initially a head taller than Emi, your eyes now barely meet her chest- an occasional upside to your condition, but one you're too embarrassed to really enjoy for the moment. You sigh. While you weren't ashamed of your condition per se, bad memories of your time before Yamaku kept you from wanting to discuss it unless necessary. Still, no sense hiding it at this point.

"I forgot to take my medicine today, so I shrank. It's... kinda why I came here."

"Wow..." Emi said, obviously dumbstruck. "That... I've never seen that before. Wow, Rin will really want to add you to her 'collection'..."

Choosing not to ask who Rin is or what she meant by that, you walk over to your bag, when you encounter a problem. It's on a shelf high above the benches where the track team sits during meets. You wanted it somewhere out of the way, memories of bullies stealing your medicine at your previous school still fresh in your mind. Unfortunately, this paranoia came back to bite you, as your medicine is now out of reach. You jump up to try to reach it, but it's obviously a lost cause. You turn to Emi, who is obviously holding back a laugh, if not at your situation, then at least your childish jumping display just now.

"Little help?" you deadpan.

Emi smiles and balances on the tips of her prosthetics, managing to get your bag. She opens the pocket and pulls out a pill bottle, presenting it to you with a triumphant smile on her face.

"This it?" she asks.

"Yeah," you answer, holding your hand out expectantly.

"Heh, I could get used to someone actually being shorter than me," she says looking at the medicine. Her smile turns to a smirk and holds the pill bottle over you. "I'm not sure I want to give this to you now..."

She's kidding... right?
February 17
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