She steps on you.
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Despite looking right towards you, she doesn't seem to see you at all. Perhaps she's lost in the moment, or you're too small to be of much concern to her. Regardless, the light in the room is quickly blocked out by the bottom of her brown boot, mostly flat besides some scuffs and debris left from all that she's treaded with them. From the looks of it, you're about to be added to it.
If she had been walking normally, maybe, just maybe, she would have not applied enough force to completely snuff you out in an instant. Unfortunately for you, with her hopping stride, the entire force of her gigantic body is sent straight through her shoe and onto you as she completes her step. The cracking sound of your body being flattened isn't even heard over the thunder made by the sole, and your end goes by unnoticed.
February 17
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