Awkward feelings
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You thought you were about to get crushed then and there. You almost wouldn't blame Lilly if she did, you just came on someone you barely even knew.

But strangely enough, Lilly still held you in her hands gently. You could feel her skin get a bit clammy and her fingers twitch slightly. You closed your eyes, expecting her to squeeze the life out of you.

"I-I'm sorry..."


You looked back up at Lilly confused, but the blush on her face surprised you. Her cheeks were flushed and her glazed eyes seemed even more distant than usual.

"I did something as irresponsible as putting another human with a disability in my shoe of all places. And I ended up basically molesting you without even knowing it..."

You could tell she seemed genuinely upset at herself, you had to calm her down. It was completely your fault in the end.

"Lilly, please, it's okay, it wasn't intentional or anything..." you walked over to her finger and held it tight. You felt awful now.

"Intentional or not, what I did basically amounted to... r-rape! Oh god I'm horrible..."

Shit. She was really taking this badly.

"No, it's not your fault at all! I fully admit it, your toes were really exciting me, and I chose to go through with it..."

You let go of Lilly's finger. You felt bad about even touching her now. But since you were in the palm of her hand, there wasn't anything you could do about that.

Lilly looked to be in deep thought, and a moment later, she sniffed up her almost runny nose and wiped away the tears forming in her eyes. The blonde giantess gives you an awkward smile and softly giggles, blush still on her cheeks.

"Did... did my feet really feel that good? I would not have expected that... they're such a gross part of the body... I do try to take care of mine a good deal at the very least, but..."

She was fully smiling now, it seems you managed to perk her back up.

"Um... yeah... they honestly felt amazing... I've never really had a thing for feet before though! Don't get the wrong idea!" you try to clear up a misunderstanding before it happens.

"So it's just my feet that are amazing then? Hmm I see I see~" the blind beauty teased you. It was your turn to blush now, and you were happy she at least couldn't see it.

It seemed Lilly had cheered up slightly, though the tension between you two was now a bit awkward. How do you carry on from here?
February 17
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