Take a 'load off' beneath Lilly's toes
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'I'm sorry about this, Lilly,' you think to yourself as you begin the deed.

It only takes a minute or two. Due to some movement she makes, her toes scrunch around you a little, setting you off. You finish with a heaving sigh, in absolute bliss.

Moments later, you feel a bit more pressure above you and hear the booming sounds of Lilly getting up and walking rather quickly. You're not sure why it's happening, but it ceases before long. Light pours into your tight chamber as Lilly's massive stocking-clad foot leaves. As you crawl to the entrance, you meet up with Lilly's hand, likely coming in to search for you. You allow her to gently pick you up. Her face looks oddly worried.

"Are... are you alright? I felt something warm suddenly. I didn't squish you anywhere, did I? Oh god..."

"No, no!" You exclaim, eager to reassure her. "It's nothing like that. I'm fine."

"Is that so?" Relief washes over her face, followed by curiosity. "Then... what did I feel?"

"Well, uhh..." You pause, thinking it over quickly. She's got you in a corner. Might be a good time to own up to what you did. You owe it to her after making her worry that she smashed you under her foot anyway. On the other hand, do you really have to? You don't really want to make her mad at this point. Things between you were going pretty well as they were.
February 17
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