Pissed off blind girl
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"That's..." Lilly seemed to be contemplating her next words.

You braced for the worst, expecting her to be understandably upset. But... surely she couldn't be too mad, right? She seemed like a level headed young woman, and the responsible class rep to boot.

"That is absolutely disgusting..."


"You got off to a girl's foot? My foot? I put you there thinking it would be a comfy and safe place for you and you go and... make your mess on me!?"

You didn't really know how to respond. Nothing you say now could take back what you did.

"Do you realize how utterly abhorrent that is? What, was the smell of dirty feet enough to get you off? Or was it sweaty toe funk? You nasty thing..."

You didn't have the heart to tell her it was probably a bit of both.

"Don't tell me you've done this before with other girls, have you? I thought your small stature and innocent demeanor made you more trustworthy, but I was clearly wrong. You're just a repulsive little pervert. A pest."

She was really railing into you, and not in the good way.

"Lilly... I-I'm sorry, I don't even know what to say..."

Lilly's face twisted into a look of further disgust just from hearing your shrimpy voice.

"Stop. I don't want to hear it. You've broken my trust, and as class representative I think you need to be severely punished for this act."

You gulped in fear. This blind goddess could do whatever she wanted with you at this size. Your meds to grow you to normal were still back in your dorm. Part of you thought you deserved this, but you weren't sure how harsh she was going to be. Lilly did not seem amused in the slightest.
February 17
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