Going out of the house

While it is nice to explore your house and your neighborhood. Testing something like this is much better outside. Sure there's a lot of people who might accidentally discover your new raygun, but as long as you have somewhere private to shrink, like a bathroom or something, its should be fine...




Well Whatever, there is a ton of place to visit anyhow.


For starters, you could go to the Mall. It's filled with shops, vents to explore and peek at people from above and who knows, plus you do have a list of groceries you needed to buy.


Or how about the local forest park? It's got a nice outdoor feel to it, lots of trees, hikers and some natural landscape to rest your eyes.


Maybe take a dive at the refreshing Aquapark? It's a mix between a beach and water park, with a ton of rides and a place to tan yourself.


Although, how about the Open Road? Just you, your ride and of course, The Open Road to nowhere.


There's quite a few options... But which to choose?

December 13, 2023
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