Cindy wakes up (already knew you were there)

"Good morning Mark," Cindy said sweetly from behind you. You turned around to see her smiling face still on her pillow.

"Cindy! You're not surprised to see me like this?" You asked.

"Why would I be? Do... Do you not remember?"

"The last thing I remember was having a drink."

Cindy thought to herself for a minute before explaining, "last night you confessed your love for me. I reminded you that I'm leaving in a few days for an all girls college. You told me that you had just stolen some sort of potion from Monica and that with it you would be small forever but we could still be together."

"I did this to myself?"

"Yea, but how about instead of dwelling on the past we have some fun," she said suggestively as she rolled to her side and put a hand on her hip, giving you a better view of her tits.

November 4, 2023
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