Next to Cindy

You opened your eyes to see a face as large as a building, it was Cindy's face. easily startling you wide awake. You had a throbbing headache, were completely naked and had no idea what was going on. Cindy was sleeping and just like you she was completely naked. Her head rested only a few inches away from you. You could see her massive tits in the distance and the curves of her hips much farther away. You began to look around for any awnsers as to why Cindy was now the size of a mountain, but it quickly became clear that Cindy didn't grow, you shrank. You were standing on a massive white pillow, the bed seemed to go on for miles but was nothing compared to the size of the room.

         You tried to remember what happened last night but you couldn't remember anything after taking that second drink. You couldn't think of any reason as to why you shrank, or why you were in Cindy's room. Come to think of it Cindy was the only other person in the room, but she couldn't have shrunk you. Cindy was a good friend of yours, and you couldn't think of any reason for her to be responsible or even have the means to do it.

         You looked back at Cindy, she was tall before, you even sometimes heard people calling her an amazon or a miny giantess. Compared to your new size, she was easily taller than a skyscraper. At your best guess from where you were standing her breasts were at least 50 ft each. You could only see the curves of her hips from your standing point, but her originaly massive ass must be larger than a building.


October 14, 2023
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