Sophie Again
Three Wishes Chapter 33

Dana comes into the room and you see the girl with her is none other than Amy's roommate, Sophie.  Sophie smiles at you and says "I had a feeling I was going to see you again."  Dana is surprised and says "Wait, you know this guy?"   "Oh yeah" Sophie answers, "He's my little toy boy.  The little guy loved playing with me."  You yell "She's lying.  I'm not her toy."   Dana thinks about this and says "I thought he had a girlfriend named Amy."  Sophie quickly replies "Amy was a girl in my sorority and the little guy was delusional and thought she was his girlfriend.  Amy already has a boyfriend named Jim." 


Dana is a bit confused by this whole situation and asks "Then how did he end up with Amy's mom?"  Sophie answered "The little guy is obsessing over her and hid in her bag when she went home and that must be how her mom found him.  Anyway I'm leaving tomorrow for my summer job and I'm so glad you found my little man before I left."


Dana says "Wait one more thing, why is he so small."  Sophie still fast with the answers replies "Science experiment at the university gone wrong.  I worked in the lab too which is why I'm taking care of him.  Much better than being locked in a cage in a lab."  You yell out to Dana "Everything she is telling you is a lie."


Dana turns to you and says "Well you both seem to know each other and as long as she gives me $1000 bucks I don't really care."  Sophie pulls out a check already filed out and hands it to Dana saying "There you go, paid in full." as she picks you up and stuffs you in her bag.  "We are going to have such a fun summer, shorty" she says as she leaves.


Sophie takes you out to her car and sets you down in the cup holder and  starts to drive.  "I can't believe you gave her 1000 dollars for me." you tell her.  She just laughs and says  "Fake check.  It'll bounce.   I also gave her the name of one of the pledges from the house so she'll never find us.  Not like she can go to the cops right?  By the way, thanks for not saying my name to her."  She laughs as she's driving home and says "Tomorrow morning, we'll be leaving for my summer job across state.  I have a nice two bedroom apartment that I'm sharing with my friend Heather.  We're in the same major and scored co-op jobs at the same place."


You brace yourself in the cup holder as she continues to drive wondering when this nightmare might end.  Sophie continues "I should tell you that things always work out my way.  When I saw that ad at the gym, I just had a feeling it was you she was talking about and it worked out.  I's like you are meant to be mine.  It's fate."


She arrives home and sticks you back in her bag for the trip into the house.  Once inside, she takes you out and places you on her desk and just as you think you have some freedom, she lowers a pint glass over you trapping you on the desk.  You can see she is in the midst of packing and has music playing. 


Her mom comes in and she looks like an older version of Sophie although probably in her mid forties still a head turner.  You bang on the glass and yell to get her attention to no avail as she asks Sophie it she needs help packing but she just says "No Thanks" and her mom leaves.    She looks over to you on the desk and says "I saw what you were trying to do.  You'll pay for that later."  


Before she goes to bed she brings you some food and water which you really needed before covering you back over with the glass trapping you again and leaving you in an uncomfortable place for the night.  You eventually pass out from exhaustion sitting up with your legs against your chest and leaning against the glass.


The next morning...

August 26, 2023