Sophie Leaves For Her Summer Job
Three Wishes Chapter 34

The next day you watch as Sophie carries each of her bags down to her car.  When she is done so comes over to you with her backpack.  She removes the glass from over you and grabs you up stuffing you into a front pocket of the back pack and zipping it up.  You hear her say "Best for last" as she carries backpack out to her car and then says her good-bye to her family.


Sophie drops her backpack on to the passenger seat as she gets in to drive across the state and says "We are going to have so much fun little man and now there is no one to save you.  You are mine."  She laughs at herself and turns on the radio singing along.


Many hours go by but she is content to leave you zipped in the backpack as she drives.  When she finally gets to her destination she is greeted by her roommate Hilary although all you can hear is her voice.   They bring the bags in the house and then they are talking about how lucky they were to sublet this apartment for the summer.   "Stick with me." Sophie tells her, "Things always work out for me. "


Sophie continues "What if I told you I met the perfect man.  A man who lives to please me and will always put my wants and needs first."  Hilary rolled her eyes and said "You're crazy.  No man is that good."  Sophie continued "What if I tell you that you can meet my perfect man yourself tonight?  Well to be perfectly honest, he's not perfect yet but he will be soon."  Heather stared at her and said "What is hell are you talking about?" 


Sophie reaches for her backpack and unzips the pocket you are in and reaches in for you grabbing you between her fingers and pulling you and dropping you onto the table between them.   You hear Heather gasp and you turn and see a tall girl with reddish-blond short hair.  She looks fairly athletic and you take note of her prestigious boobs.   "What is that?"  she asks. 


You start to respond to her by saying "Hi, My name is ..." but Sophie grabs you up and says "Shut it shrimp.  He's a little perv that has hanging around my sorority house.  I think he found a way to shrink in the science lab and used it to sneak in and create havoc.  I've  decided to take him for the summer to teach him rightful respect for women.   I'm going to turn him into that perfect man I was talking about." 


"How are you going to do that?" Hilary asked Sophie.    "That's easy. I need to break him down until he is nothing, a shell of his former pervy self, so then I can mold him to be my perfect man dedicated to me.  Want to help?"  Sophie said as she dumped you back out on the table.  You look up and Hilary and yell "Everything she told you is a lie.  I'm innocent." 


You get her attention and she asks "Really?  Then how did you really get that small?"  You gulp knowing you have to tell the truth "A mischievous genie did this to me."  you tell her.  Hilary laughs out loud and says "So you're saying everything Sophie said is a lie.  That's rich."  She turns to Sophie and says "You have your work cut out with this one but I'll help you.  Just let me know what you need.    Sophie thinks a minute and says "We need something to keep him in." and Hilary stands up and replies "I think I saw something that may work. 


She goes into the other room and you turn to Sophie and react to her whole story saying  "You really are too much."  She smiles and says "Thank you.  I really am too much.  Glad you see that."  A moment later Heather is back carrying a glass drum fish bowl, the kind you see with a solitary goldfish in it.  It has several layers of decorative stones in the bottom that she dumps out.  Then Heather washes and dries the bowl before bringing it over and setting it down towering over you.  "Perfect!" Sophie tells her as she drops you inside to the hard glass surface.


Heather looks at you through the glass and says "You're a bad little boy but we are going to fix you and make you perfect."  She has a bit of as sadistic smile that worries you.  Heather  picks up the bowl with you into and says "I have the perfect place for him and she carries you into a hall that leads to their bedrooms.  There is a hall table that she sets the bowl down on.  "This is a good spot so we both have access to him."   Heather says.  Sophie seems a bit annoyed but knows she'll get her way eventually so no need to do anything.


You look up at them and say "What am I suppose to sleep on?"  Sophie smiles at you and you already regret the question.  "I have a nice sleep bag for you." she says as she removed her sneakers and then peels off a sweat sock that was on her foot all day.  "Something to remember who your mistress is." she says as she drops the sock in on top of you. 


"Sweet dreams" Sophie tells you.  It's getting late so they both go into their respective rooms to sleep.  You lay down wrapped in her stinky sock miserable that Sophie seems to get you back no mater what happens and now she has Heather believing you are a terrible person.   After a few minutes, you head a noise and look up to see one of the bedroom doors open and  ___________ coming toward you. 

September 1, 2023