Raelin Wakes Up
Three Wishes Chapter 7
As you are looking across at the ring. Raelin wakens and sees you staring across to the table. Her fingers descend upon on you and she lifts you up between her fingertips to her face. "So far for one as little as you", she coos at you as she blows you a kiss. "Not so hard for me", she says as she reaches over and takes the ring with her other hand. She sets you on her nipple and you struggle to stay on and not fall while she slips ring on.

Raelin takes you over to a side table that hold a wooden chest. She sets you down next to it and it looks like the size of a building to you. She opens it up and looks at the contents. It contains gold and silver jewelry that you bestow upon girls that please you as gifts. Most of this jewelry was confiscated from conquered people or taken in lieu of taxes so it is a mix of different types of jewelry some with precious stones. She withdraws a gold chain with a sphere at the end. "Do you know what this is?" she asks you and you shake your head side to side signaling "No" because she can't hear you. "The women from where I come from wear these", she tells you. "In fact my mother had one just like this. They would put a type of crushed flower that grow in the mountains inside so they would smell more pleasing to their lovers. See?", she says hold it it close for you to see. The sphere is probably no more than an inch across with an intricate design of slots cut throughout it to allow the scent to escape. She carefully opens it in front of you and sees that it is been empty for sometime.

"Too bad I don't have anything to put inside", She tells you with a smile, "or perhaps I do." She reaches out and grabs you again between her fingertips and drops you in the sphere as you scream and yell at her to stop and put you down. "This will keep you safe and close to my heart until I'm ready to lay with you again." She snaps the sphere shut trapping you inside. She puts the necklace on and gets dressed to rejoin the harem.

You can see out the slots as she is meets other harem girls for breakfast. She makes idle talk with the other girls while you are furious how easily she manipulated you and now has you locked away and under her control. A girl comments on her new jewelry and she only tells them that it was a gift from the sultan for a good night. They all laugh in response. You then hear Raelin say that she is going to ...
August 17, 2023
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