Giantess Soldiers !
Three Wishes Chapter 20
The man explains that they sent and advance force to probe the kingdom defenses and were met my giantess soldiers. They must be 18 feet tall with armor. They had massive swords and shield too and just cut through our ranks. Those of us who fell were crushed under their boots. They let me live to come back and tell you not to dare and attack again. If we do they will counter attack and destroy our city and everyone within the walls.

The Queen thinks for a moments and says "We cannot defeat that kind of magic with brute force so will have to negotiate. Melek, you will go with a delegation and make peace with these giantesses. You can take the little sultan with you in case you can use him as a bargaining chip but don't reveal him to them unless you have to. Understood?"

Melek takes you and the delegation return to your kingdom with you hidden with several other gifts that the Queen gave you to hopefully win favor with these women. She approaches the walled city and are met by a group of six giantesses in armor just at the soldier had described. "We come in peace." Melek tells them, "We just want to talk." The giantess soldiers lead them inside to the royal court. There she sees three normal sized woman in royal robes sitting on three thrones.

"Ahhh, Melek. I see you have returned." says a former harem girl named Zavia who is sitting in the center, "Do you wish a place in our new court?" Melek replies, "I am here on behalf of the Queen of the Turks. She does not wish war with you but wants to work with you. Our two kingdoms together would be very powerful. You have magic and she has unparalleled skill as a leader."

"So you would have us to submit to your Queen. Perhaps she should submit to us. We now have unlimited power. Genie show her your power." Zavia replies. Jasmine appears in a puff of smoke as a twenty foot tall giantess in battle armor. "Yes my Queens" she says. Zavia pauses for a moment and says "How easy would it be for us to defeat our neighbor the Turks?" Jasmine smiles and says "Only a moment if your wish it."

Melek says "It is one thing to conquer a people. It is a very different to hold on to it and rule. I know this genie only gives three wishes before she vanishes and you used at least one maybe two so far. Your power is fleeting so join us now while the opportunity is present."

Zavia turns to the other two women on throne who Melek recognizes as Samira and Hasna and discusses it. They turn back to Melek and say "And what of the sultan. Abree and Dalia told us all about him. Has he conspired with your Queen?" Melek is concerned about gaining their trust and says "No, she has returned him to you as a sign of good faith. She takes you out of the sack you were confined in and hands you to Hasna who hold you so tight you feel crushed. She drops you to the floor in front of her and slips her foot out of her slipper and places it over you crushing you against the floor but not hard enough to do damage. "The sultan has finally found his proper place in our kingdom. Under our feet." Hasna laughs.

"Hasna! We have business to conduct. Stop this foolishness." Zavia scolds her, "There will be time to deal with the evil sultan later." She turns back to Melek and says, "OK you and your delegation may stay here and we will meet tomorrow on negotiations." She turns to a normal sized guard and says "Please show your guests to their quarters so they can be refreshed before dinner."

Melek and the delegation leave and Zavia turns to Hasna and says "Would you be so kind to take this little man to some appropriate accommodations." Hasna smiles and says "It will be my pleasure." picking you up and carrying you off another part of the palace.

August 17, 2023