Adara Takes You to the Bathroom
Three Wishes Chapter 14
Adara walks through the home with you swinging in the cage from around her neck. She admires the rooms and how modern they are compared to the palace. She enters the bathroom and is impressed with the luxury. She takes the necklace off and dumps you out onto the countertop. She looks at you and says "I think you could use some exercise. How about a swim?" You look in the sink and it is pretty deep and you have no interest in going in there.

She picks you up and says "No in the sink. I was thinking this is more fitting" and drops you into the toilet bowl. You hit the cold water and when you get back to the surface you watch in horror as she pulls her pants down and sits on the seat blocking the light. She says "Too dark for you in there?" and spreads her legs a bit to let a shaft of light through, "I want you to see this."

Just then she lets loose a torrent of piss and it hits the water and splashes you as you try to swim away from the spray. You get to the side but it is too steep and slick to climb up. You hear her giggle and say "Maybe you need a boat to ride on so you don't have to stay in the cold water." and she squeezes out a log that is longer than you are tall and is floating on the surface. She gets up and wipes and throws the toilet paper on top of you and you struggle to get free of this shit stained paper. It sinks to the bottom as it gets wet and you are left treading water in the bowl not far from her shit.

"You can climb on it and survive or freeze in that water. You're choice." she says as she leaves the room and you are left contemplating your choice. You want nothing to do with the floater in their with you but you also don't know how long you will last in this piss water. You swim over to her log and try to climb on getting your hands and feet caked in her shit and falling off a few times before you are able to mount it. It smell horrible but it is better than swimming in cold piss water.

It is hours before...
August 17, 2023