Adara Spits You Out
Three Wishes Chapter 12
Adara spits you out into her palm. You are covered in her saliva and she laughs, "Enjoy my kiss?" You stand up in her palm but quickly realize there is nowhere to go. Adara blow on you to dry you but she almost blows you off her palm. "Be careful", you yell at her.

Adara sits down and holding you close to her face she tells you "I know you were the mighty sultan and I was a lowly palace slave. Let me tell you a story little sultan. My family lived far away in a small village and we were happy until your soldiers can to our village. They took our food and our valuables as well as taking liberties with the women of our village. Ten they took some of us back to your lands as slaves. My father protested but they killed him. My mother worked herself to an early death scrubbing your palace. I was destined for a similar fate until I found your magical lamp. And now I am hear in a beautiful home with riches and now our roles are reversed. When I saw you in that genie's hands, I saw an opportunity for something I never thought I would get, revenge. So little sultan or should I say slave, we will spend all of our remaining days together here as I slowly exact revenge on you for destroying my family."

You are shocked by what she just told you. Of course you didn't do any of these things but it was the world that Jasmine created or possible co-opted from some other sultan. You get on your knees and say to her "That wasn't me. I became a sultan only recently. It was the genie's doing. I didn't do anything to your family."

Adara is outraged by what you are saying and closed her fist around you encasing you completely in her hand. She brings it up to her mouth so you smell and feel the blast from her breath as well as her being louder than a jet plane. "Perhaps the genie was involved but I know what I saw too and it is you that have been the sultan my whole life as your slave. So it is you that will suffer. I think it is time for our first game and she...
August 17, 2023