Play Along With Lisa
Three Wishes Chapter 24
You find yourself trapped by a hot mom that wants nothing more than to play with you. You decide to play along as she gently strokes your body and encourages you to cover her nipple with kisses. You comply with her wishes and she gets turned on and excited by your kisses. You keep kissing wanting to make her happy and she playfully gives you a little push causing you tumble down between her breasts.

Before you can react, she's says "How about a little hug for my little man and she squeezes her breasts together trapping you between her hot breasts. You're afraid she might suffocate you in her excitement as she re-positions herself and your world turns upside down. A moment later she releases the pressure and you tumble out only to land on a soft white surface. You get your bearings and realize that you have landed on her pillow and she is on fours directly over you. You try to stand up but she lowers her breast down and it collides with you. You fall back down on your back as she lowers the nipple back down in your face to encourage you to kiss it. She pushes down and the weight of her breast nearly crushes you. You put your arms up to try and defend yourself against this onslaught of hot flesh.

"Are my little boobies too mush for my little man?" she asks you in a low sexy voice "Maybe a little kiss will make it all better." She slides down so her head is right over you and comes down giving you a giant kiss. "Now you give me a kiss" she says as she lowers her lips back down to you but when you try to kiss her, her tongue slides out and assaults you. "Yummy, you taste so good." she tells you as she continues to kiss you.

Her fingers grab you up by he legs as she rolls on her back and sits up in the bed;. She dangles you in front of her face and she giggles at you struggling between her fingertips and says "You are so cute and helpless. I could play with you all day. You're going to love being my little man." She brings you up to her mouth and gives you another kiss. "There are some many cool things I can do with you. I can't wait." You shudder at all the games she may have planned for you but this is still far better than being with her daughter or a thousand other possibilities. She asks you "What can't you wait to do to me?"

You are caught unprepared and don't know what to say. Your mind reels as you think of what to say. An awkward moment passes and she answers for you. "I know what all guys want. To get into my panties! That's what you want too, right?" She lowers you down to her panties and slowly drags your face over her damp satin blue panties and you can clearly feel the warmth and the smell of her sex before bringing you back up to her face. "We'll have time enough for that later but not when Marie is right down the hall, maybe tomorrow when she's at school."

She gives you another kiss and then ponders out loud "Now what will I do with you for the night. Should I lock you up nice and safe or let you sleep with me?" She thinks for another minute and then says "I think I'll put you somewhere safe for the night until I know I can trust you." She changes her position so your torso is inside her closed fist as she looks around the room. She carries you over to a dresser and opens an empty drawer. "This was one of my husband's drawers so it seems appropriate you you can stay in here as my new little man. She sets you down in the empty wooden drawer and then removes her damp panties and drops them in on top of you. She giggles at you struggling to get out from under them and says "You can make a bed out of these and they'll help you think about me while I'm gone. Sweet dreams." She closes the drawer plunging you in darkness except for a small shaft of light that comes through a gap in the drawer.

You sit down and contemplate your next move. Lisa is nicer than anyone else you met so far but she is pretty sexually aggressive and you've only been with her for a couple hours. Right now you don't have many options and lay down to try and get some rest.
August 17, 2023