Escape to the Hallway.
Three Wishes Chapter 23
You successfully make it under her door and into a hallway. From the look of it you were on the second floor. There are multiple doors in this hall that you guess are closets or other bedrooms. You think if you should go to one of these rooms or the stair down to the first floor. You realize being downstairs will get you closer to escaping this house and you head in that direction.

You are almost at the top of the steps when you hear a thumping sound and you see Marie's mother at the bottom of the steps and headed your way. You turn and run but you know you have no chance to make it to cover. The thumping gets closer and then it stops. You turn to see why and there is a huge shadow cast across you and you see the mom squatting in front of you and looking at you. "Little girl" she say "What are you doing here and why are you so small?"

You turn around and face her and say "I'm not a little girl. I'm a man that got shrunk down and your daughter found me and made me wear this stupid dress." She reaches out and grabs you in her fist and stands back up. She doesn't say a word and carries you in her bedroom and closes the door. She sits on her bed and holds you in her palm examining you more closely. She lifts the dress up and looks underneath and confirm you are a man. "SO WHAT WERE YOU DOING IN MY DAUGHTER"S ROOM?" she asks in a way that scares you. "No, No, No" you tell her "I was at the mall trying to get back to my girlfriend when you daughter saw me and trapped me in her shopping bag. All she did was make me play board games with her and make me wear this ridiculous dress.

You look at her above you and she seems young to be a mom, straight blond hair to her shoulder, blue eyes and a very cute look. Her features softened a bit and she said "I actually believe you. so what were you doing in the hallway?" You reply "I was trying to escape and get to you . I was hoping you would help me." She smiled down at me and said "I'll help you. As far as Marie needs to know, you successfully escaped." as she tugged on the dress and pulled it off of me. You say "I know I said the dress was ridiculous but I don't have anything else to wear." She ran her finger down your chest and stopped to play with your penis and replies "My little man doesn't need clothes. I've got just what you need to say warm. She slid you down the opening of her top and wedged you between her ample breasts. You are pinned between these hot fleshy monsters and all that is sticking out is your head facing her chest. She tussles your head with her fingertip and says "Comfy? Good. Cause I want to watch my show" and she flips on the TV to watch.

It isn't long until she gets tired of TV and pulls you out from her chest and hold you in front of her encircling your body with her thumb and index finger letting you dangle from her hand. "You are so cute, I love it. You are so lucky I found you. People could be mean to someone as small as you, but I won't do that." she tells you speaking a little quickly "My name is Lisa. What's yours?" You answer her and say "Joe. I thought you said you'd help me and get me back to my girlfriend."

Lisa laughed "I am helping you. Let me tell you a secret. My husband cheated on me and I divorced him and got this house and a lot more but you know what I lost? I have a very hard time trusting men anymore. But you are so cute, little and helpless and when you told me about Marie, I believed you. I would have never believed that if another man told me that. You're special. I think maybe we were meant to be together."

You think "What is she talking about?" and she goes on about being meant for each other and you interrupt her and say "Excuse me but I just need a ride to my girlfriends or if you could call her?" She responds by setting you down on the bed while she strips down to nothing but her panties. She picks you up and hold you close to her nipple and lays down on the bed and places you astride her breast and says "Time to play and you'll forget all about your ex."

You decide to...
August 17, 2023