Kenna Returns At Night
Three Wishes Chapter 23
Kenna comes back at night with another girl. "Hi tiny" she says "I'm back and I brought my roommate Alex but she has her own bedroom," She peels you off the paper and is easily able to separate you from the bubble gum, Alex is another blond a few inches shorter than Kenna but just as cute. She hands you to Alex who hold you in her open palm and uses her finger to play with you, "What a cute little pet" Alex says "I bet we can teach him all kind of tricks."

"I'm not a pet. I'm a person" you tell her and she laughs at you says "I love his little mousey voice." Her finger comes down and bops you on the head and says "You're too little to be a person. You're like a toy or a little pet like a mouse." Both girls laugh at the comment and Kenna tells her "He thinks I'm hot and wants to be my little boyfriend."

Alex pushes you down on your back against her palm and strokes your naked body. "I'm I hot too. Do you want to be my little boyfriend too?" You are entranced by this girl playing with you and say "You're beautiful but I belong to Kenna." Alex looks up to Kenna and asks "We're friends and we share everything right?" Kenna smiles and say "Sure, why not." while she takes you from Alex and holds you in a fist saying "Look at you tiny. You are quite the player with two hot girlfriends.

Alex says "Maybe tomorrow we can go shopping and get some things for our little boyfriend since he's going to be living here." "Good idea" Kenna replies as she sets you down and gives you a piece of a granola she had in her pocket along with a capful of water. "I could use some clothes" you tell them but they both laugh and Kenna says "We like you au natural. You can't hide anything from us." as she brushes your hard-on that Alex gave you.

"Now where should we have him sleep tonight?" Kenna asks looking around. Ales replies "He can sleep in my bed after all he won't take much room." Kenna thinks for a moment and says "I think we need something a bit more secure. We don't want him running off in the middle of the night. "How about the bathtub?" Alex answers "He'll never get up those walls." Kenna nods and says "Good idea" and they take you to their shared bathroom lay a folded hand towel on the floor of the tub and lay you down on top of the towel. You look up at them standing a full height and looking down at you and look even more gigantic compared to you. You look around at the tub walls and realize they were right about you not being able to escape.

They both wave and say "Good Night" to you and leave you in the dark bathroom with only a night light casting a bit of light for you. You lie down and try to get some sleep.
August 17, 2023