Meet Samantha the Graduate Student
Three Wishes Chapter 19
This new girl you just met says "Hi, I'm Samantha and I was coming home from my job at the university. You poor thing. What are you doing alone in this neighborhood. Let me help you." Before you can respond she sweeps you up into her palm and drops you in her jacket pocket and zips it shut. The pocket is comfortable but it is sometime before she takes it off an opens the pocket again.

She takes you out and places you on her kitchen table in a small kitchen. This is a small apartment in the city with only a main living area and kitchen and a separate bedroom. You see her sitting in front of you watching you look around. "You poor little thing" she says "How did you end up like this in that neighborhood?" You tell her you found a magic lamp but the vengeful genie twisted your wish and shrunk you. You were lucky to find your way to your ex-girlfriends but her mother interceded and got rid of you by dumping you off on that corner. You think that this version of your story sounds better than the truth. "You poor little thing", she replies as she picks you up in her palm and cuddles you softly before putting you back down and standing up. "I'll get you something to eat. You must be starving." she tells you and your reply "Thanks."

After you eat she carries you in the bathroom to make you a bath in her sink. She gets the water temperature nice and warm and adds some bath oil. "You need to undress for your bath" she tells you and you comply grateful for her help. She lowers you into the sink and you relax in the warm water. She gathers up your clothes and says "These clothes are filthy. I'll wash them later." as she carries them out of the room.

Some time passes and she comes back to check on you. She has changed into a silky nighty which looks fantastic on her. She carefully lifts you out of the sink and dries you off with a hand towel. She looks over your naked body and comments "You're a really cutie." She carries you back to the main room and turns on the TV and she settles on the couch to watch while still holding your naked body. She strokes your body with her fingertip while telling you how cute you are.

You tell her "I need to get back to my girlfriend" but she just corrects you by saying "You mean EX-girlfriend. That's what you told me and it sounds like if I take you back there her mother might step on you next time or flush you down the toilet. I couldn't let that happen to you cutie. You'll stay with me and I'll keep you safe."

She moved her finger down and plays with your member giving you a hard one. "I see you like me too." she says with a smile "Would you like to kiss?" She raises you up to her lips and gives you a soft kiss across the face. "Now you kiss me." she tells you bringing you up to her lower lip. You go to comply to her request but before you can kiss her her tongue comes out and licks you across the face followed by a bigger kiss. Her forwardness takes you by surprise and she follows it with a kiss on your chest follow by her tongue assaulting your penis making you want to jerk off.

She pulls you back to get a look at you and see you struggling in her grip. "I love having a little man to take care of. You don't have to worry about anything, you'll be all mine from now on." She gives you another kiss and snuggles you under her nightgown between her breasts. You can't move as the breasts are pressed together with you in between as she settles in to keep watching TV.

August 17, 2023