Heard, but not quite understood.
Three Wishes Chapter 33
· original author:
As you fight to inhale and move, stuck to her sole, the woman's nose crinkles up as she catches a whiff of your stale scent. "Dammmmn! I know where you've been. I can't believe she didn't even wash her shit." Looking repulsed, she starts moving her foot, with you on it, back down towards Sara's locker when, in the nick of time, you call out: "Wait!"


A black-nailed hand plucks you by the thumb and forefinger, around your chest, and peels you from the bottom of her foot to hold you out before the woman's face. You quickly rush to explain that you're a human, not a doll, telling her your name and how a genie ended up shrinking you and delivering you to torture and slavery under Sara. You skip most of the details on the way, knowing you don't have much time to convince this stranger to help you before Sara comes back from her shower, but emphasize the cruelty you've been suffering and would suffer even more if she got hold of you again.

Fortunately for you, the story seems to have a strong reaction with the tattooed woman, who seemed shocked to hear what kind of treatment Sara planned to put you through. Unfortunately, however, in the end she seems much less concerned than she does curious and quite impressed - not with your owner, but with you. "Wow! An AI doll bot! I didn't think they could make something like this!" She exclaims as you finish, with apparent fascination. " It sounds so real! Dumb backstory and name, though. I wonder if that's customizable? Me and Viv could get so much content out of this!" Without warning, her other hand comes up and starts playing with you, fondling and probing with just her fingertips as you're turned over and over, cutting short most of your attempts to protest. "Totally realistic!" She confirms, examining your full anatomy.

"Hey, YOU!"

A shout across the room raises your hackles on end, and the grasping hands hold you in place. Across the room, at the entryway to the showers, Sara is pointing angrily in your direction, her hair wet and her towel struggling mightily to contain her massive bosom. "That's mine!" She shouts furiously. "Were you going through my things? I'll call security!" She bluffs.

To her surprise, and somewhat yours, this doesn't work on the tattooed woman at all. "Listen, here, bitch!" She growls, dropping you casually, but not roughly, to the cold bench beside her gym bag and turning to face Sara.

"First of all, my name is Kristie, not 'Hey You'. ExtraDiamond on OnlyFans. Get it right. SECOND of all, it's not my fault if you're such a nasty skank that even your weird custom fuckbot doesn't want to stick around. Third of all, you asked for it, and I'm sick of looking at you already, so I'm putting on my shoes and getting out of here. If-" she rolls her eyes as she draws out your name, as if to mock Sara for (as she believes) having chosen it for you - "wants a new owner so bad, he ends up with me somehow while I'm not looking, not my problem. Maybe you shouldn't have made his AI so smart. All I know is I'm not putting anything in my bag that isn't mine, so whatever's in there when I leave must be my own shit. And if you step within five feet of me, I'm kicking the shit out of you."

The woman - Kristie - having snapped at Sara far more viciously than either of you had expected, she slams a faded running shoe on the bench and rams a sock onto her foot beside it, roughly and deliberately, staring Sara in the eyes as if daring her to argue. The blond girl falters visibly, and then looks away to glare at you instead. "Don't you dare move, worm!" She threatens, pinning you to the bench top with her gaze. "You stay right there until this bitch is gone, and maybe when I get you home, I'll let you off with just a few weeks in detention!"

The stranger finishes putting on her left shoe, and purposefully moves on to the next. With neither woman seemingly inclined to listen for your input, you realize you have seconds left to make a choice: Climb into Kristie's nylon gym bag with her dirty workout clothes, and entrust yourself to the care of this unknown quantity who thinks - at least for now - that you're just a sophisticated kind of toy; or stay where you are, and throw yourself on the mercy of the giantess who knows you're human and enjoys treating you cruelly all the more because of it.

A third option might be to try to run, but the open locker room offers nothing for cover, and there's nothing to protect you from Sara's wrath once you get more than five feet away from Kristie. On top of that, simply dropping from the benchtop to the floor will likely daze you long enough for Sara to cross the room and grab you. It's essentially a hopeless endeavor.

In any case, you're running out of time to make a choice.

What do you do?
August 17, 2023