Sara's Rules of the House
Three Wishes Chapter 23
Sara goes into the bedroom and sits on the edge of the bed and takes you out from between her breasts. She hold you in her palm with her thumb across your chest pinning you down. "So I know you are into me and that's OK. I like it." she tells you. "My last boyfriend was a big macho jerk bossing me around. I don't think that will be the problem with you, will it?" You aren't sure what to reply and just let out a meek, "No It won't."

"Now let's see what we have here", she continues and she rips the tunic Debbie made you away exposing your naked body. "Not too bad", she tells you with a smile. "I think you won't be needing those rags anymore since it will be just you and me living here." She stroked your naked body with emphasis on your penis and it springs to life. "I see all your parts work and just as I thought you are into me."

Sara leans back and bit and holds you up to her face. "Now here is how this will all work. I will provide you with food, shelter and protection and in return all you need to do is anything I say. Sound fair?" she asked me. "Not really" you replied, "Can't we negotiate this? What do you mean by anything?"

Sara frowned "If you don't like it, I can always give you to my landlord. She's about 65 and would probably love a little pet. That's the deal and I should tell you now I don't like being questioned so don't do it unless you want to piss me off. I like getting what I want." You think you are only here less than an hour and this is already a problem. Maybe picking this hot conceited girl wasn't the best idea. "OK" you tell her, "I agree. I'll be your boyfriend and do whatever you want."

Sara let you a laugh and says "Boyfriend?!? I never said that. I think boy toy is more appropriate and you can call me Mistress. When I tell you to do something all I want to hear is Yes, Mistress. Now I think you can start by thanking me for being so kind to someone as insignificant as you." You watch as she peels her sweat socks off and sets you down next to her bare foot. "You look even tinier down there" she laughs as you crane your head to look up at her. "Thank you Mistress for taking me in." you say.

Her foot moves forward and her big toe hits you in the stomach knocking you over. "That's it?" she says "I expect so much more from you. On your hands and knees and worship your goddess." You get on your hands and knees and crawl back to her foot and say "I am sorry Mistress. You are the most beautiful and generous mistress ever. I am lucky to be your boy toy." Sara smiles and says "Better. Now kiss me and tell me more."

You get closer and she wiggles her toes and you. You can smell the odor from her foot as she probably hasn't washed them. You hold your breath and kiss each one while saying "Thank you Mistress. Your toes are so sweet." She smiles at your comment and says, "If you like the smell so much then enjoy." Her foot knocks you on your back and you watch in horror as the sole of her foot covers you completely. She has her heel on the ground and she is only barely holding you down but it feels like she is crushing you. "Let me feel some kisses." she orders and you quickly comply hoping she will release you.

A moment later she release you but as you stand up she spreads her toes and grabs you between the big and second toe and squeezes you while lifting you in the air as she crosses her leg leaving you high above the floor. You yell for her to let you go and she laughs "OK" and loosens her grip on you. You start to slide loose but grab her big toe as the last minute and hug it. You are dangling over the floor and don't know how long you can hold on and cry "Please Mistress, save me." She scoops you up in her hand and says "You need to be more careful abut what you ask for."

You are back in her hand and she tells you, "Now I work from home and only go out for appointments or the gym occasionally so we'll have time to play throughout most days." You groan at the prospect of being under her thumb (or toe) 24 by 7 with little chance of freedom and you think of the mess you've gotten yourself into.

"Now what shall we play next?" she ponders aloud while eyeing you up.
August 17, 2023