Brooklyn's Room
Three Wishes Chapter 23
Brooklyn takes you back to her room and sits on her bed and looks at you naked in her palm. "You are so adorable" and she gives you a big kiss. She thinks for a moment and says "Sophie is right that most of these girls will probably be pretty mean to you. I wish I could keep you safe with me but I don't know what we can do."

She placed him in her sports bra between her breasts cradling him there as she uses her finger to pet him. You think this is the hottest girl in this sorority and all she wants to do is save you. Being next to her breast and being fondled by her gives you an enormous boner that you can't avoid. You don't want her to see it and you try to suppress it but her affect on you is too strong.

She removes you from her breasts after a while and sees the boner you are now sporting. "Ohh, I'm sorry" she says, "Did I get you to worked up? Sorry about that." You decide to confess to her and say "Brooklyn, you are the most lovely sweetest girl here. I just want to make love to you."

She looks at you surprised and says, "You're so tiny and cute. You're like a little baby mouse. Now you need to calm down and behave yourself." You realize that she has no interest in you sexually and it make you disappointed. Up until now you didn't want these girls using you like a sex toy and now you find yourself attracted to the one girl who has no interest in you that way.

Brooklyn breaks the silence and says, "Let's play a game" and takes out a travel backgammon set . "you know how to play?" she asks. You reply, "Yes, but I don't think I can roll those dice." She giggles and says, "I see what you mean. I'll roll for you." You play three games which is exhausting to you and you lose all three. You're not sure if it is due to your size, that she is a better player or you being distracted by her beauty. Maybe it's a combination of all three.

Eventually it is bedtime and she changes into a silky nightshirt and asks if you want to cuddle with her and you enthusiastically agree. She pulls you close to her breasts as she lies down for sleep and you feel very aroused by the warmth of her skin through the nightshirt.

You decide to...
August 17, 2023
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