Brooklyn gets Joe for the Day
Three Wishes Chapter 22
Brooklyn wins the drawing and carefully plucks Joe from the cage and hold him against her chest. Joe hasn't seen her before but she is the most attractive girl that he has seen since coming to the sorority. She is thin with very ample boobs and a perfect tan. Her long hair is a dark blond with loose curls to her shoulder. Joe is turned on by this girl even though she's many times his size.

Brooklyn takes Joe to her room and sits cross legged on the bed opening her hand to examine him. "Why aren't you the most precious thing" she coos as her finger strokes his naked body giving him a instant boner. She giggles at his reaction, "and a little horny too. Maybe I should stop?"

"No please don't" Joe replies, but she puts him down in her lap and starts looking at her phone. Joe is so turned on by this girl that he goes up to her crotch and tried petting her through her jeans. She stops looking at her phone and picks him up between two fingers and dangles him in front of her face. "You are seriously horny." she says, "What is your problem." Joe looks up at her sheepishly realize his mistake and says, "I'm sorry but you are just so beautiful and I'm so little. It's just frustrating."

She accepts his apology and says, "I guess it's my fault to for rubbing you like that. I do think you're cute, like a little mouse. Here you can be close to me." She takes a square of silk sitting on her nightstand and wraps it around him like a cocoon and tucks him down her shirt wedging him deep between her warm breasts. "There you can be close to my heart while a check out Facebook." she says as she goes back to her phone.

When she finishes she goes down to the kitchen to get a snack and Joe is left trapped in her bosom and unable to move. Brooklyn sits down at a counter with some yogurt and Sophie comes in the room, "So you won the lottery today", Sophie says to Brooklyn, "So did you crush him under your foot yet?" Brooklyn looks up at her surprised. "Why would I do that?", she replies, "He's so cute and innocent, a little mousy boy." She pulls the silk from her bosom and it unrolls and you fall to the table. You get up and get your bearings just in time to see Sophie pluck you off the table and dangle you upside down by the legs and says, "Well when I get my turn he'll be under my foot licking my sole and begging for mercy. Maybe if I'm feeling generous, I won't crush him and let him lick my armpit sweat instead."

Brooklyn snatches you back from Sophie and cuddles you against her chest and says "You are so mean, Sophie. He is a poor little defenseless man. You should show him some pity." Sophie gets up to leave and says, "Pity? Half the girls in this house can't wait to use him as a sex toy and the other half want to have fun torturing him. Wake you Brooke. You going to start dating him next. He's just like the other creeps on campus just smaller."

Brooklyn looks down at you and says, "I'm sorry about her. She's had some bad relationships and her last boyfriend was the worst of them. She just needs to find a good guy." She finishes her snack and wraps you back up in her silk and says, "Waht should we do next How about we...
August 17, 2023
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