Sophie's Wax Treatment
Three Wishes Chapter 27

Sophie comes back and sees you lying on the desk where she left you.  "Wow, I was sure you were going and try to run.   I was hoping I could get a chance to step on you.  Oh well."  You roll over and see her put a mason jar down next to you.   "You better get ready" Sophie tell you as her fingers grab you up and raise you to her face.  "I have another game for you and it is all up to you to see how much pain you'll get."  


Sophie blows you a kiss and drops you into the jar that she brought with her.  You stand up and realize the jar is to high for you to reach the lip to possibly climb out.  You watch as Sophie get a candlestick and wave it in front of you.  She lights the candle and says "This game is easy.  You just have to avoid the hot wax.  I suspect it will hurt a little runt like you. "


She holds the candle over the top of the jar letting it drop down on you like hot rain drops.  At first you are able to avoid the hot wax as it falls to the bottom of the jar but you don't want to step in hot wax either.  Suddenly a spatter hits your foot and you yell out in pain.  Your situation gets worse when you jumped in pain your other foot stepped in a partially dried puddle of wax and your foot sinks in.  You try to pull it out but it is stuck in the hardened wax,


Sophie sees your predicament and laughs at you "Looks like time is running our for you." as you stand helpless as a glob of wax hits your back and you scream.  "That's a good one " Sophie tells you are she continues to drip wax on you.  One hits your head while another hits and runs down your chest.  "Let's see if I can hit your dick." Sophie says with glee and after a couple tries she hits her target squarely and and you howl in pain.  "Bullseye" she cheers as she continues her torture.   The wax continues to hit you as well as accumulate and harden at you feet cementing you further in place.  


You are thoroughly coated  in wax drippings  by the time Sophie tires of her game.  She looks down at you through the top of the jar and says "You look pretty stuck in there.  If you want I can stick the jar in the microwave to soften up all that wax."  You don't want to get fried in  microwave and yell "Please no."  She looks around in for a few moments and comes back with a stud earring.  It is stainless steel with a small jewel which is probably just colored glass and she drops it down to you and you catch it.  "You can use that to dig yourself out by morning.  Otherwise I'll try my microwave idea."


You start using the steel post of the earring to chip away at the wax at your feet which is hard to do and you can only get a little bit at a time.  She put the jar on a shelf and says "Keep working there.  You can do it." she laughs as she leaves the room.  You keep chipping away hoping to get at least one foot free.   You wonder how this girl is so mean.  Is she like that to all guys or is it just because you are small that she let's this meanness manifest itself.   You don't know but Sophie has already gone to sleep and you still don't have either foot free.


Eventually after hours you free yourself from the wax and you collapse exhausted from everything you'll been through but your rest is short lived as after a couple hours Sophie is up and checking on you.  She take the jar with you in it back to her desk and dumps it out.  She picks up the earring and says "I guess I'll need to clean this after you used it."  Then she looked at all the wax chips lying on her desk.  "Look at this mess you made you little shit."  She put a small glass ashtray next to you and says "Clean it up before I come back from my shower or I'll use that candle on your dick."   and she leaves you again.  


You quickly go to work picking up all the wax and dropping it into the ashtray like she ordered.  You kept going not leave the smallest crumbs that would give her a reason to punish you more.  She comes back in from the shower and proceeds to get dressed before coming over to check on you.  "Acceptable" she says as she drops the wax in the ashtray into a trash can and put the ashtray away.    


She picks you up and decides that 



July 1