Zoe Finds You
Winning Her Back Chapter 7

Zoe sees something she things moved and out of curiosity she dumps the contents of the hamper on the floor of her bedroom and Jack miraculously ends up on the top of the pile.  Zoe sees the tiny figure lying on top of her clothes and squats down to get a closer look.  Jack stand up and says "Hi Zoe!"  Zoe looks closer and says "Jack, is that really you?" she asks him, "How did you get so small and how did you end up in my hamper?"


Jack says "It's me but can you get me out of this pile first?"  Zoe uses her fingers to encircle his body and lift him off the pile and unto her desk as she sat down in front of him.  "OK, I'm listening." she tells him.  Jack proceeds to tell her how he shrank and mailed himself to her but her sister Anna opened the box and found him eventually leaving him in her hamper.   Zoe asked "Is the shrinking permanent?  Jack answers "No, my friend Lydia has the antidote.  I can give you her address so you can pick it up."


Zoe thinks for a moment and says "So you thought shrinking for me would make me take you back?  Did you think about all the things that could have happened to you?  Lost in the mail, or the package gets crushed, or my sister keeping you?  Did you think about what I might do to you?"  Jack looks down embarrassed and said "No, I guess not but I know you are a good person and  wouldn't hurt me."


"Tell you what" Zoe continued "I'll give you a chance to get back with me but just shrinking and showing up in my hamper isn't good enough.  You need to prove you are worthy of my love.  You hurt me once and that won't happen again.  Do you agree to a trial period for us to be together to let me decide if I want to forgive you and get back together as a couple."  


Jack is happy with Zoe's compromise and says "Sure, I agree.  Whatever you want.  We can go over Lydia's and get the antidote today and start the trial period."  Zoe brought her finger up and lightly ran it down his naked chest stopping at his penis that she went super slow over giving him a hard on.  "Oh, no" Zoe told him, "You will stay tiny for the trial period.  This way we can spend more time together and I really like seeing you like this."


Jack was taken aback  by the fact she planned to keep him small and in her possession and asked "How long will this trial period be?" he asked her.  "I don't know." she replied, "Let's start with a week and I'll let you know then."   Jack groaned at her response.  He'd be literally trapped under his ex's thumb 24x7 while she judges if he is fit to be her boyfriend.   Not what he expected but if he could win her back it was worth it.   Zoe added "You know all about my fantasies and since you are right here we'll get to experiment with that too.  There is a lot of things I'd like to try with little you."


Just then there is a knock at the door and it is Anna returning to see if Zoe found Jack yet.  She comes over to the desk and stands towering over you as Zoe explains the arrangement Jack agreed to.  Anna smiles and says "That sounds like fun.  Well let me know if you need me to watch him for you or teach him and tricks."   Zoe replies "Thanks Anna, I'll keep that in mind. Also, don't tell mom or anyone else about him.  I want to keep this between us."  "OK sis", Anna says as she uses her finger to sweep his legs out from under him, ,"He's so tiny and useless.  What do you plan to have him do?  He can't get you flowers or take you out on a date.  Oh I know, maybe he can give us pedicure.   That seems like a good job for him."  Zoe smiles and says "I like that but we'll see.  For right now I need some alone time with him.  OK?" 


Anna gets the hint and leaves but not before winking at Jack and saying "See you soon, tiny." and she leaves closing the door behind her.  Zoe turns her attention back to Jack and says "During this trial, you need to do whatever I want.  If you tell me no or give me a hard time about something then you will either fail the trial or I may extend it longer."  Jack is worried by everything she is saying and asks "What do you mean by fail the trial?   What happens if I fail?"    She picks him up and says "Let's not dwell on the negative things.  Just make me happy."


Zoe lowers him to the floor by her bare feet and says "You can start right now by getting on your hands and knees and beg for my forgiveness for cheating on me." as she wiggles her toes in his face.  Jack replies "But I didn't cheat on you.  You've got it all wrong."  Zoe tilted her foot back on her heel and brought it down on Jack covering him with her foot as she says "You forgot what I told you a minute ago.  No giving me a hard time.  You cheated and I'm giving you a chance to redeem yourself."


Jack can't move as he is pinned down but she isn't pushing hard.  She continues "Now do what I ask.  Last chance."  She moves her foot back and back flat on the ground in front of him and he crawls to her toes and starts apologizing profusely for something he knows he didn't do.   She looks down at him groveling and tells him "Kiss my toes.  Each one of them and I want to feel it."  When she is satisfied with his performance, she lifts him back up onto the desk and says "Thank you.  That is one of my fantasies having you grovel at my feet and having you under my foot.  We may have to try more of that later.  You should know that you will have a chance to experience every part of my body during this trial as well as challenges and tasks that I come up with.  You will be a very busy little man if you want to earn my love."


She goes to her closet and gets out a clear plastic storage tub that is like a small building to Jack.  She sets it down on the floor in front of her night  stand and then gets Jack depositing him inside.  The walls are more than twice his height making it impossible to climb.  She goes over the laundry pile and a retrieves a white cotton lo-cut sock that she drops in the tub with him.  "This will be were you stay for now until you earn some of my trust back.  You can use that sock as a sleeping bag" she said as she towered far above him looking down.  I'll be back with your first task later." she tells him as she walks away leaving him alone.      


Jack paces the inside of the tub not sure if he can win her back but at least this is a chance.  He just hopes what she wants doesn't involve kissing her sweaty feet too much which he thought was gross and tasted terrible.  Jack waits about an hour when...



October 6, 2023
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