Walking and deciding

"Wait, what is that?"


You keep prodding at the options in the app and find something that both captivates and scares you a bit, an option that you overlooked because you were too busy checking that you apparently could transform into anything as long as it was within the radius of the app. An option that apparently allows you to choose who to transform.


At this point you thought this was an elaborate prank, a fake app that wasn't really going to do anything but work you up sparking through your mind a multitude of crazy scenarios. Should you try it? Of course you should, you are dying to know what kind of absurd message would appear once you pressed that confirm button but.. something was encouraging you to not try this on yourself or on your loved ones. The hope that it was real, the thrill of watching the magic happen, the caution and fear of messing with what clearly was a product in alpha version, all of it managed to override your early rational argument that the product was just a fancy GUI and nothing else.


So you decide to fix yourself a bit, grab some comfy clothes and tell your mother you are going to take a walk, not without getting another reminder of packing your stuff for the trip. Once outside the house you turn the app and notice the radius slightly moving with you away from your home. 


You decide to stop messing with the app for now and put the phone back in your pocket, wondering where you should go for the test drive. With such a fine day there you could find plenty of people in the usual places, the mall, the park and so on, but also the idea of trying this with someone in particular started to invade your mind. It's not like you have to tell them about the app anyway, and you think it would make you feel less guilty than trying it out on some random person, in case it worked that is. 


And of course there is another aspect to consider, your fantasies. Scenarios that you would kill to make reality, some of them registered vaguely as comments in those fetish forums and others hidden in your mind. Should you go for them or take it easy? What if the app worked.. but just once?


You shake your head to untrap yourself from that spiral of thoughts and start walking, determined to go somewhere


What happens next?

July 11, 2023 · edited February 20
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