Searching for Victims

Checking your phone, the TF App is still there the next morning. This makes all of this feel much more real, not something you can just dismiss as a weird dream. Still, the question remains: does it actually work? There is only one way to find out.


Before the app finishes loading, you hear a knocking on your doors.


"Bro! Wake up!"


Lazily walking towards it, you unlock it, finding your older sister standing in the doorway. As always, she is wearing a simple white shirt with those black shorts she loves. Her long brown hair is also the same as it is typically.  


She is tapping her foot against the wooden floor, with the constant sound of her worn-out pink flip-flops slapping against her sole. 


"What do you want, Sophia?"


"Mom wants to know if you are ready for the trip. Me and Charlotte are already good to go, but we are still waiting for you!"


"I'll have my stuff packed by tomorrow, don't worry."


"Get it done." Rolling her eyes, Sophia slams the door before mumbling. "Besides, that's what you said yesterday..."


That's right, you have a family trip to look forward to. You will be visiting some high-class beach resort. With your mother not usually liking to spend a lot of money on stuff, this is a pleasant change of pace. Plus, that might be a fun place to play around with the app. 


Back to the matter at hand, you sit down on your bed while scrolling through different options. It looks like the app itself has a limited radius, one which fortunately covers almost your entire house, but you can choose to link up with other users across the globe.


Currently, the pool of participants is relatively small as the app is still in alpha and seems to be only available through directly sharing it with others. Seeing as the main salesperson seems to be a weirdo who randomly enters your DMs, this does not surprise you. 


Scrolling through the different options, you decide to...

June 24, 2023
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