Searching for users

You decide to close the app for now and try getting a bit more info from it online. Sure, the GUI looks great and everything looks a bit too polished to be a simple virus, but for all you know the moment you decide to "transform" the things transforming might be your passwords to the other important apps or worse, the little bit of savings in your bank account.

So back to the fetish forums it is, and trying to contact Mr. TechGuru24 after another harmless check for new content, but his profile info lets you know he has been offline since he last talked with you. You think about leaving him a DM with questions, but reading what he sent last time about trusting and deeming you worthy something tells you he wouldn't be any help so you decide against it.

Instead, you decide to check the forums for this TF App thing and see if other users have talked about it. Sure enough you find a thread that hasn't been updated in the last 5 days and hasn't had many answers, but at least lets you know someone else out there is deemed worthy, or tried to get scammed by this thing.





So I got a weird message in my DMs about an app that could supposedly transform you into whatever you want, is it legit? This was sent by [deleted user] but he created the account just yesterday


Yep, that sounds just like your experience, so you scan the replies to see if anyone actually tried it and could give more details. Unfortunately what you find either isn't convincing or isn't what you were looking for. 


You have the expected warning:






Just to remind you, we are not responsible if you download content sent via message by users. It could be a malware and you shouldn't just download it if you don't know the sender




You have the expected begging:


New Member


Does it work? could you dm link?


The expected skepticism:




Lol, it's obviously malware, delete.


It would be a good idea for a fiction story though, reminds me of that Tinder one


And some people just making up scenarios:


Established Member


If it's legit you should transform into food and have a hot lady eat you to become part of her as sentient fat, that's worth getting your phone hacked!


But between the begging and the skeptics, an ignored reply got your interest. It wasn't saying much and got ignored by the other posters, but he mentioned a couple of key words that make you believe he also got the app:


Established Member


I used it to transform into a lollipop but got too scared to keep trying, feel free to DM, I want to test the linkup feature


You look at the linkup feature of the app again and just like that poster you have no idea what it is about. You can see there are active users but only through anonymous coordinates, not by usernames or something where you could identify this guy. You wonder if this means you can be teleported to someone else's place and transform into something at the same time.. Could you just teleport without transforming then? That sounds too powerful, too good to be true, like malware.


Still undecided and with your doubts unanswered, you leave a message to that poster asking about the linkup feature, noticing how he's also been offline for a while and go back to wonder if you should just try the app now or wait for a better moment.


What happens next?

August 21, 2023 · edited February 20
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