Jaune was a fearless, brave hero who slew grimm with ease and grace, and could cut down an army of pirates twice his size! Not to mention, he could bring even the haughtiest woman sighing to her knees with just a flip of his golden hair and his debonair smile.


At least, that's the version of Jaune he liked to daydream about. In reality, he was clearly one of the weaker students at Beacon academy, not even having unlocked his super semblance power yet.

"Well, I may not be super adept at any of this stuff," Jaune said to himself in the mirror, "but at least I still have my lady-killer smile!" Sure, Jaune. Whatever you say. He flexed his unimpressive muscles in the mirror and practiced his posed before being brought back to reality.






An alarm coming from the other room snapped Jaune back to reality. "Wait, oh no no no, I'm late!" Jaune leaped out of the bathroom and threw himself into his clothes. He barreled out of the dorm and down the hallways, nearly forgetting his sword in the process, and raced to make it on time. "I can't miss it, not again! Not again!"


He was panting and breathless by the time he made it. He found Pyrrha in the crowd and hurridly asked her "I didn't miss it this time, did I? Please tell me I made it on time!"


Pyrrha, his friend and partner, looked at him with surprise, startled by his sudden and manic appearance. "J-Jaune! Um, I think there's still time to-"


"Yes! Thank you Pyrrha!" Jaune hurridly raced towards the hoard crowding the far end of the great hall. He shoved his way through the pack, desperately trying to get to the front of the crowd.


"Did you tell him?" Nora asked Pyrrha, stuffing her face with pancakes.

"I didn't have the heart" Pyrrha replied.


Jaune saw the table and grinned. He had finally made it. He shoved his way further and, finally making it to the table, declared: "One plate of pancakes, please!"

It was Pancake Day at Beacon. Every semester, they greet the students back to studies by giving out plates of pancakes. It's one of the most merriest times of the year - and Jaune had always missed it. Every. Single. Time. But not this time! This time, he would..!


"Sorry Jaune, we're all out" Ren said dryly. Ren, who was on the same team as Jaune, and was in charge of cooking pancakes this year, took off his apron and instructed the other volunteers to start packing up. The crowd dispersed, but Jaune couldn't find the strength to move, too fazed by the tragic news to process what he had heard.


"There's... none left? So I missed it? Again?"


"Better luck next semester, I suppose." Ren gave Jaune a pat on the back and began to clean up.


"Don't worry, Jaune,it's only pancakes!" Pyrrha tried to comfort him, but it was of little solace.


"Hey Jaune, I heard you missed it again" Ruby came to give her emotional support. "You can have the rest of my pancakes if you want!" Ruby presented Jaune with her plate of leftovers, but all the pancakes were wet and too drenched with syrup to be enjoyable anymore.


"It's okay, Ruby," Jaune solemnly said, "I'm good." For Jaune, it wasn't even about the pancakes anymore. It was about the principal. Of the achievement. To get a second-hand pancake would be a slap in the face of his manhood, of his will as a warrior! (Not to mention unsanitary). "I guess I'll go into town and have some waffles instead."


"Waffles? How dreadful!" Weiss sneered. "I know you're upset, but you could at least have some standards, Jaune."


"Come on, Jaune! How about we and the girls go into town and have some real food!" Yang offered, wrapping her strong arm around Jaune's shoulders, as a sympathetic gesture. "I'm sure Nora's still hungry, aren't you girl?"


"I-It's okay guys, really! I mean, it's just pancakes, right?" Jaune feigned feeling fine, but really he just wanted to be alone. He began to walk out of the hall, Pyrrha, Nora, Ruby, and Yang looking on with pity, knowing the hurt that Jaune was truly feeling. (Weiss and Blake frankly just found the whole thing weird and sad)



Jaune walked along the empty halls, unable to avoid the stinging stench of delicious syrup that only reminded him of his failings. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. How many more times was he going to miss out? Was he going to live his entire life at Beacon without ever tasting the delicious, golden fluff of pancakes? His heart raced as the emotions poured through him, feeling smaller than ever.

His feelings boiled out, and he just had to let them go. With a dramatic shout, Jaune released all of his emotions - the sadness of missing out, the anger at himself for letting him be late, the grief of losing his pancakes - he let it all out.


When he woke up, he wondered how he had even fallen unconscious. And then he wondered why the world looked so alien to him - yet so familiar. Letting his blurry vision adapt to being woken up, Jaune slowly began to put the pieces together. Jaune's heart dropped as he realized what was going on.

"I shrunk?!" His voice would have echoed off the towering walls of the now ginormous hallway, but his shrunken body could not produce a yelp loud enough to even reach them anymore. Panic befell him as his eyes darted every which way, trying to figure out what was going on. He managed to confirm that he had, indeed, shrunk, and apparently in the same spot he was standing when he unleashed his emotions. His clothes, thankfully, had shrunk as well and fit as well as they ever had. And the thundering, rhythmic sound that was drawing nearer seemed to be coming from the booming footsteps of the once-unfathomably ginormous woman coming right his way.

He tried to run away in time, but the carpet was making that seemingly impossible - not to mention he couldn't have outran her at his current size anyways.


He shut his eyes, readying himself for the end. Her colossal foot slammed down, missing him by inches, and sending Jaune flying away. Jaune had to take a moment to make sure he was really still alive, and to thank the gods for sparring him (and also to curse them for shrinking him in the first place).



Recovering from his near death experience, as well as the sudden realization that he was now itty bitty, Jaune took stock of the situation. Judging by the size of the giantess's foot, and his body relative to the carpet, he managed to roughly work out how tall he had become..

July 2, 2023
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