Jaune figured out he was about 6 inches, tall enough to be like a little action figure to the woman that just passed by, and that would have spotted him, if it wasn't for the fact that she was walking while reading a book. He wondered for a second if he should chase her and get her help, but decided not to because he didn't really know who she was. He settled for watching her continue walking and then turn left without even raising her head, completely familiar with the school hallways. "Probably a librarian or an archivist" Jaune thought, happy to see any possible danger out of his way.

Now that he was alone again, Jaune idly paced around trying to retrace his steps, the dangerous experience making him forget about pancake missing theatrics and take things seriously. But the only problem was, he didn't recall anything else. He remembered feeling sad, then walking alone until this exact place and shouting, at the world and at himself for missing another seemingly easy objective to accomplish. And that was it, then he woke up like this. 

"Why would I shrink though, people don't shrink" Jaune made the obvious question and it didn't take him long to arrive to a half exciting and half terrifying answer. Was this his undiscovered semblance? The power to change size? The power to shrink? It was the only explanation. Thanks to semblances, hunters and huntresses could show amazing skills in battle, like Ruby with her speed or Nora with her electricity, and apparently his power was that he could shrink.

"This.. this isn't terrible, but how is it useful for battle?" Jaune wondered, frustrated. Sure, he could be a great spy with this but how would this help him achieve his dream to become a fearsome warrior and hunter? How could he even defeat a Grimm with this? As he kept walking in little circles like a remote controlled toy that someone forgot to turn off, he started to see the possibilities. Maybe the lack of size gave him a tradeoff and enhanced him in some other way, maybe changing his size meant he could grow back and make himself bigger and more powerful when needed, or maybe once he dominated his semblance he would be able to shrink his enemies instead of himself! "Now those are the kind of things that could turn a battle around" He thought with a smirk, ready to give it a try while he figured out how to grow back at all.

"Alright, let's test if I'm small but mighty" Jaune said aloud excited, but things quickly deflated when he found no particular enhanced trait. He kind of already suspected it after his encounter with that woman, but in every way he could think of he was just a scaled down version of himself. No super speed as he struggled to run from one side of the hall to the other, no super strength as he tried to push a door and it didn't budge at all, no stamina because he was already feeling tired from the effort, no dexterity because his coordination and movement didn't feel any different, no intelligence because.. he would knew if such a thing changed. 

"Okay, changing size it is. Still useful I suppose, as long as I don't do this to myself again" Jaune lamented with a sigh, reclining against a wall to catch his breath. Maybe there was more to this, after all he was just discovering his semblance, but it really would have made his day to know it had an immediate purpose in battle. Shrinking himself wouldn't help at all for now. 

After a couple minutes of self pity, Jaune concentrated on his aura, on this new power he seemingly had. He closed his eyes and tried to focus, to search for it, to tap in the power within himself, and when it wasn't working, he started to shout just like he did back then, safe in the knowledge that like everything else about him, with his voice scaled down he wouldn't be calling anyone's attention while doing it. But it had to work, he couldn't be stuck like this.

What happens next?

September 27
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