BANG, BANG, BANG, came from the other side of the bathroom door. Patrica, naked stopped just short of stepping into the shower. "Who is it?" she called over the sound of the shower running.

Katlin, Samantha's oldest daughter, responded. "I wanted to let you know Billy isn't in his room. I think he already left or something."

Patricia frowned. That was highly unusual. It was still early in the morning. "Are you sure," Patrice called out through the door? "Did you check the bathroom?"

The response that came back was audibly exasperated. "Yeah, I did. Look its not a big deal but I just wanted to let you know." Footsteps were audible on the other side of the bathroom door as Kati walked out. A muffled door close sound could be heard.

Feeling a bit uneasy, Patricia turned off the shower and grabbed her nightgown throwing it over her naked body and then left the steamy bathroom. She was completely ignorant of the small 9 inch person on the floor at the base of the sink, the missing son she was now concerned about, whom she had spent the better part of a half hour beating the ever loving life out of.

While Patricia was outside the bathroom peaking into Billy’s bedroom looking for her son that same son writhed in agony on the floor of the steamy bathroom. His chest ached with each desperate breath he sucked in and he was pretty sure his mom cracked all of his ribs. How could she mistake him for a slipper? Messing with this size remote was quickly becoming the worst mistake of his life. Groaning, he used what felt like all of his strength to flip himself back on his belly and started slowly dragging himself to the safety beneath the sink. His mom wouldn't be able to get to him there and he could hide there until the coast was clear. He grimaced as he pushed past dead bugs and dust balls as he crawled further in.

The door to the bathroom creaked open as Patricia returned. Through swollen blackened eyes Billy could see her huge bare feet from his vantage point as she walked by to the shower and trembled as he remembered the blunt force trauma they were capable of. His body ached and it took everything he had to not cough loudly. He did not want her to find him. Billy wasn’t afraid of being caught… no he had a primal fear of his mother now; in just an hour’s time he now saw his maternal figure as a monster that would kill him if she found him. The feet disappeared as the shower came back on filling the space with sound and steam. Billy fell limp at last feeling safe.

Soon enough Patrice’s shower was finished and she dried herself off. She was curious as to why Billy had left so early, but getting dressed would have to come first. She walked over to the sink and slid her foot into the slipper waiting below. She glanced down and noticed the other slipper was missing, which was confusing, but figured it must've ended up beneath the sink. As she tied her hair up in the mirror she absent-mindedly brought her other foot beneath the sink and began feeling around for it.

Billy awoke when the white noise of the shower stopped. It took moment before he actually opened his eyes. When he did however he gasped as he saw the giant toes now very close to him. He saw one of the monstrous feet retake possession of the slipper outside, filling it up. To Billy’s horror the foot found the empty footwear without issue, but the remaining foot slid around the tiled floor coming up empty. Of course that was because the real left slipper was still back in the bedroom and he was the one playing the role. Realizing what was about to happen, Billy turned around and started desperately crawling further under the sink, trying his best to ignore the throbbing pain in his sides.

Whump! Patricia’s foot, landed right next to Billy and slid about before retracting and then repeating on his other side. She was poking around for him and would find him before long...
June 10, 2023
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