The office was large by Brobby standards, and finely furnished, dark colored oak floors with a large area rug under two oak chairs with green leather seats and backs, secured with aged copper screws. A large desk sat before the chairs and behind that sat another chair, more modern though, black cloth and plastic, and on wheels. A loud 'click-clack' soon filled the old office as its owner entered and walked to her chair, her automatic door silently closing as she sat.

Victoria Small, the up and coming undefeated young lawyer with her own law firm at the young age of only 25. She was tall even for a Brobby, with shapely legs, and the seemingly natural figure of Olympian Brobbies. Wide hips and a shapely rear end, Victoria's slightly larger than the average, and a toned body. Her breasts were the envy of her female peers, F-cups. It was with this figure, her size, and just her sheer personality that she had never lost a case. She used her size to intimidate people, but never hurt.

She sat in her chair and flicked on her holoscreen computer, something only found in Olympia thanks to the more integrated society, everyone could easily get top of the line Lilliputian technology. The first thing that came up was the news, the head line making her frown.

'Size tensions rise as Brobbies invade Lilliputian home island' She sighed at her less enlightened cousins from the other side of the world. She clicked the story and brought up the article in detail. Two separate incidents were being reported. A male Brobby, a suspect in multiple disappearance cases regarding Lilliputians and Gulliverians, had decimated a city, almost a million Lilliputians killed, the survivors describing it as nothing less than a 'sexual rampage'.

Another incident was actually two in one, apparently a mother-daughter tag team of sorts had obtained 'ambassador' pass ports, and were on their own string or rampage and murder. Victoria sneered at that, at their weakness of their mind. Many Brobbies, even here in Olympia, had such thoughts and desires, but that's what separated them from their cousins. They had the mental strength to dismiss them. And while the consumption of Gulliverian and Lilliputians was permitted there was a legal market for it. No randomly abducting a city of Lilliputians, no plucking people off the streets. There were contracts involved, most people who ended up being eaten ended up there willingly.

At the same time, she was heartbroken over the mass loss of life. The Lillies didn't deserve this cruel treatment. They had to suffer so much just because they were born at their size. She did her best to help out Lilliputians in need and brought many infamous perpetrators of mass-Lilliputian slaughter to justice. The Lillies she had helped or befriended were kind people who just wanted to live in peace and raise a family. This gave her a reputation as someone with a split personality. A raging demon in the courtroom, but a total softy toward Lillies.

The next part of the story turned her frown upside down. The Olympian prime minister vowed harsh sanctions against their fellow Brobbies, and a freeze on accounts of rich Brobbies.

"That will make them think twice." Victoria grinned as she brushed a strand of her blonde hair over her ear. Almost all the advanced technology those uncivilized Brobbies used was manufactured in Olympia. It would be an interesting state of affairs, and she might just see some clients out of it. She closed the international headlines and skimmed over the local stuff, sipping at her tea as she enjoyed her relaxing day, while it lasted.
June 8, 2023
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