Noah answers an email from a Lilliputian
Noah sat cross-legged with his laptop on his knees, reading through his emails. There were several job offers and it always pleased him that his services were so much in demand. He was halfway through his coffee when he saw an offer from a Lilliputian woman. He had done similar jobs once or twice, but it was the amount that she was offering that made him pause.

Holy shit, that was an impressive sum. Noah briefly wondered how the hell the Lilliputian broad had so much money; then he realized that he didn’t really care. He’d take the job, partly because he wanted the money, mostly because it sounded like a chance to have some more wicked fun.


“Try to relax, Rachel,” Lauren said as she handed her a margarita. “I mean, this is your bachelorette party, right? The last hurrah before you get married next week. You should try to enjoy yourself. Seriously.”

Rachel looked up at her friend who, as usual, looked glamorous in her coral sundress and gold bangles. Lauren was the sort of Lilliputian woman who could have gotten any man that she wanted. Even a Brobdingnagian wasn’t out of the question. With her perfectly-styled auburn hair and aristocratic features, she could have been an actress or a model. And she was incredibly wealthy to boot, her family the owners of a large biotech company. How she and Rachel had ever become friends remained a mystery.

How they stayed friends was an even bigger enigma. Lauren could be an extremely generous person when she wanted to be. She was the one hosting Rachel’s bachelorette party on her private island; she had even hired a band and the alcohol bill was probably as much as the GDP of several small countries. But Lauren could be pushy as well, and the way that she gazed down at Rachel told her that she had better relax or else. So Rachel sat in her beach chair and sipped the margarita, trying to enjoy herself. The island was certainly nice, one of those tropical paradises with sugar-white sand and palm trees. There had to be fifty women there, the majority of them Lauren’s friends. Rachel noticed that Lauren hadn’t invited many of her friends, but she didn’t want to say anything.

“You want to know the best part?” Lauren asked.

“What’s that?”

“I hired some special entertainment,” her friend told her with a lewd wink. Rachel nodded in understanding, although she nearly spat out her drink when Lauren continued: “He’s a Brobdingnagian.”

“Lauren, why the hell would you do that?”

“Because he’s hot. And I know how you like big men.”

“Not six miles big!” Rachel was about to protest more, but she could see something over the horizon, blotting out the setting sun. It looked like a landmass had been transported into the ocean. Worse, it was striding toward them. She had no doubt that this was the Brobdingnagian that Lauren had just mentioned. Her friend was right; he was really handsome. He was far enough away that she could still see him all at once, dressed in shorts and a tight t-shirt that accentuated his muscular body.

The giant’s mammoth legs churned up the water as he marched purposely toward them. Already, the waves were growing larger as a result of the Brobdingnagian’s movements, crashing loudly into the shore. The women closest to the water backed away from the huge waves, all the while watching the giant.

Thankfully, he stopped before he came too close to the island. Lauren put down her drink and slipped on a headset, a much smaller version of the one that the Brobdingnagian was wearing. He also had on some sort of wrap-around optic device over his right eye, which probably allowed him to see them. Otherwise, they were little more than near-invisible specks to him.

Lauren dropped a headset into Rachel’s lap as well. As she was fumbling to put it on, her friend addressed the giant.

“Hey, Noah. Looking good, big guy,” she said with her “I’m-going-charm-everyone” smile. The giant glanced down toward the island, squinted through the eye-piece and returned the grin. He said something back and it took the headset a second to translate the deep rumbles from his tremendous vocal cords, which had to be a few hundred feet in length.

“Sorry, I would have been here sooner, but I ran into a Lilliputian cruise ship. Or it ran into me, if you want to be precise.” The smile never left his face as he said this and Rachel hoped that he was kidding. Or maybe not. She tried to imagine what it would be like to be on a cruise ship when a Brobdingnagian loomed over it and she felt a chill between her shoulder blades.

“So! Which one of you is the bachelorette?” Noah asked.

“She is,” Lauren replied, grabbing Rachel by the arm and yanking her from the beach chair. The margarita fell from her hand but she hardly noticed. The giant’s gaze was now on her and her alone. It was thrilling and terrifying, all at once.

“What’s your name?” When he spoke again, she nearly jumped.

God, he was so handsome. Not that her fiancé Jonathan wasn’t attractive, but this Brobdingnagian had the face of Adonis. Rachel felt her cheeks grow red-hot and she mumbled, “R-Rachel.”

“Well, Rachel. This show’s for you,” the giant announced. There was something about the way that he said it that caused her heart to speed up. When he peeled off his shirt, revealing the muscular curves of his torso, all of the other Lilliputian women began to laugh and cheer. His hands slipped down to his shorts and he pushed them off with a slow, sensual grace. He was wearing some sort of black underwear underneath, the kind that left little to the imagination. Whistling, Lauren reached down and pulled the top of her own dress down, revealing her perfect suntanned breasts.

The giant seemed to soak-up the adoration from the tiny women, flexing and posing for them. Noah’s biceps alone looked like gargantuan hills and as Rachel admired them, she pictured Jonathan in comparison. He’d be nothing more than a piece of lint compared to the Brobdingnagian, a microbe stranded on the powerful arm of a deity. Despite herself, she could feel the warm wetness spread between her legs.

Without warning, Noah took an awe-inspiring step forward and then bent down. He reached out, casting the entire island in darkness. All that Rachel could do was look on in wonder as he placed a single fingertip at the edge of the beach. At his mind-boggling size, Noah’s finger looked more like a pinkish-brown skyscraper. Each of the finger ridges were higher than she was tall, rising up like colossal walls.

“Hop on,” he said to her and she had to crane her head all the way back to see his face. Even then, it was partially obscured by the thin wisps of clouds. As much as she wanted to, she couldn’t get her legs to cooperate. She stood there, paralyzed, until Lauren shoved her forward. Everyone was silent as she cautiously approached the outstretched finger and then began to climb it. Never had she been so close to a Brobdingnagian and she felt utterly overwhelmed as she clambered up onto the tip of his finger. As soon as she was standing on it, Noah stood up. The island, in fact, the entire world, seemed to fall away and she found herself held several miles over the turquoise ocean.

Noah lifted her up to one eye for inspection, the one wearing the magnification device. Behind the tinted glass, she could see the vast pupil of his eye constrict as it focused on her. Rachel managed a weak smile as she trembled before him. Then he began to lower her back down, past his chiselled abs, toward the bulge in his black underwear.

Rachel came face-to-face with perhaps one of the most erotic sights in her life. Behind the dense fabric, the threads several times thicker than bridge cables, she could see the the cylindrical column of his cock, larger than an aircraft carrier. His balls alone could have crushed several Lilliputian neighborhoods at once. The giant held her close enough that she could feel his body heat, warming the already sultry tropical air. Perhaps it was because of the incredible amounts of pheromones that he was releasing, or perhaps it was just being in the presence of something so irresistibly powerful, but Rachel’s entire body tingled with desire. She pressed herself shamelessly against him, grinding her breasts on the fabric.

Noah’s laugh reverberated throughout her from head to toe. He brought her back up to his eye-level again. The smile that she saw was still charming, but she saw that it had taken on a malicious quality as well.

“I normally don’t offer this, but would you like a special show?” The giant inquired casually.

Rachel nervously touched her headset, fidgeting with it. “What kind of special show?”

“This,” Noah said and then raised one foot up, thousands of gallons of ocean water rushing off of it. Many of the party goers were drenched as he lifted it over them and then carefully stepped down on Lauren’s expensive beach house. Rachel wasn’t sure if there was anyone inside; if so, they simply disappeared beneath the ball of the Brobdingnagian’s titanic foot, along with most of the surrounding area. From atop Noah’s finger, she saw the visible shockwave that blew the Lilliputian women over like dandelion seeds in a strong wind. It took a moment for them to pull themselves up, and not surprisingly, her friend was furious.

“That was my beach house, you big dick!” Lauren screeched.

Noah gave her a horrible smile. “You wanna see a big dick?”

Lauren didn’t answer; her rage had quickly turned into terror. For some reason, the knowledge that her bossy friend had been so easily cowed made Rachel smirk.

“Now,” the giant said to her. “You interested?”
June 8, 2023
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