“If I didn’t know better,” Noah started to say to David, “I’d say your girl rather be with a huge Brobdingnagian instead of a little shit like a Lilliputian.” Noah pinched and lifted Becky who was still rubbing herself against his cock. In her left hand was David being rubbed against one of the veins on Noah’s cock. “I should say my girl now actually.”

Becky hung upside over Noah’s mouth once again. She gripped David tightly and held him up to her large breast.

“Gah, you two are fucking pathetic.” Noah’s alcoholic breath filled the tiny couple’s noses. “Why do I even bother picking up jobs from dust like you Dave? Oh well, if you two can make me cum without me touching myself, then I let you two live.”

“Live, wait—“ Dave’s worried voice came over Noah’s headset. “What do you mean live? I didn’t agree to any—“

“Shut the fuck up, dirt.” Noah’s thunderous voice made the tiny couple jump. Becky nearly let go of Dave in the process. “I don’t think I stuttered. If you want to live, you’ll make me cum.”

Noah let go of Becky on his balls and went back to relaxing. He could feel the feeble one inch woman trying to get her balance on his testicles. Becky and Dave changed the frequency on their headsets to something private that Noah wouldn’t be able to listen in on.

“Do you think he’s serious?” Becky asked her husband.

“I fucking hope he’s not.”

“Where did you even meet this guy?”

“Internet.” Dave admitted.

“Oh god, he’s so big.” Becky was still aroused as she witnessed the enormous tower of meat in front of her. She could smell Noah’s masculine musk all around her. Noah’s dick was resting on top of his pelvis, extending past his belly button. From his balls, Becky was able to climb on top of his slowly hardening cock.

“What are you doing?” Dave asked his wife sternly. “Let’s get out of here. I don’t trust this guy.”

“Oh lighten up Dave,” Becky said as she grinded her crotch against Noah’s pulsating cock. “You set this up for whatever reason, so you might as well start enjoying yourself.”

“Well sorry if I can’t enjoy myself after a giant threatens my fucking life.”

Becky rolled her eyes and slid up to Noah’s circumcised head. She rubbed her free hand all over the tip of Noah’s penis. She lowered her lips and ran her tongue the superheated organ. She felt her whole body bob up and down as Noah’s erection grew harder and bigger.

“Hey little one,” Noah said in a husky voice. “Show that little shit you call a husband what a real cock looks like.”

Noah felt a tiny pin prick where Becky was rubbing her husband against him. Noah desperately wanted to grab hold of his member and start masturbating but he fought the urge and let Becky do her job.

Dave was screaming to his wife to stop, but she didn’t listen. His entire body was rubbed hard against the soft purple surface. Seeing that Becky wasn’t going to listen, he flipped the frequency on his headset back to the general one.

“Noah, stop this.” His voice was muffled as Becky pressed him harder against the purple head. “I don’t want to do this anymore.”

“Tough shit dude.” Noah said looking down at his full erection. He got more aroused knowing that a tiny speck of a human was being forcibly rubbed against his cock. Becky straddled Noah’s tip and then inserted her husband inside of her as she rode Noah like horse.

Noah was on the verge of cumming. Precum seeped from his slit and adhered to Becky’s calves and feet. Dave was choking on his wife’s pussy juice and felt a few ribs cracking as Becky bucked her hips uncontrollably.

“Put him in me.” Noah commanded Becky.

Becky simply nodded and pulled Dave’s broken body from her pussy. She leaned over to Noah’s piss slit and delicately shoved Dave into Noah’s urethra. She mouthed ‘I love you’ as she looked at Dave’s frightened face as she let go of the piss slit.

Noah listened to Dave choking in his precum. He could also hear him struggling inside to stay alive inside his cock. It was enough for Noah. The giant came to a powerful orgasm, his initial load liquefied Dave’s body as jets of cum came shooting out and landing all over his belly.

“Oh, that was good.” More and more cum shot out enough to fill a large Lilliputian lake.

“Oh my god what did I do?” Becky shouted from atop Noah’s still hard cock.

“What are you all crying about, it’s what he wanted.” Noah closed his eyes and basked in his afterglow.

“He didn’t want to die! He wanted to go home. Oh my god, you’re a murderer! I’m going to call the police. I’m goin—“

Noah had enough of the Gulliverian broad. He plucked her from his cock and dropped her in his mouth. He swallowed her down with one gulp. More cum seeped out as he felt her struggling body travel down his esophagus.

All in all, it was a job well done. He wanted to find a new job like the last one—something that really showed off his size and power.
June 8, 2023
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