Luke couldn’t believe he was doing this, but after thinking about it he decided to agree to Jessica’s decision and join Jennifer for a bath.

“Hey Jennifer, you don’t mind if me and Luke join you, do you?” Jessica asked in a excited tone.

Upon hearing Jessica’s words Jennifer jumped in astonishment, for this was the last thing she expected to be asked especially by a Lilliputian, who where barely the size of dust particles to a Brobdingnagian like her.

Luke and Jessica fell to the ground as their environment started to violently shake, Jennifer’s small jump, completely normal and meaningless to her was enough to completely shake Luke’s and Jessica’s entire world. Luke was a little afraid, Luke looked at Jessica and saw no sign of fear on her face, Instead she was smiling, Luke didn’t know how Jessica could be so fearless especially towards a Brobdingnagian who was powerful enough to kill them with nothing but her breath, powerful enough to destroy a Lilliputian city with nothing but her pinky finger or toe, powerful enough to drown them with nothing but the smallest drop of saliva, From her planet size mouth, but Luke hoped that bravery wouldn’t get them both killed. Jennifer turned around and looked at the small specks that where Luke and Jessica and smiled awkwardly.

“I guess I have no problem with taking a bath with the two of you, but are you sure Jess, it could be dangerous.” Jennifer asked walking towards her small desk and bent down so she could get a better look at Luke and Jessica.

Luke and Jessica could feel and hear the loud booms that Jennifer’s foot created as she walked towards them with a body that was beyond both of their compression, and before they both new it they where staring up at a 300 foot eye that was staring right back at them.

“Aw don’t worry girl, we totally trust you” Jessica said with a energetic voice

Jennifer at that moment was touched by the trust that Jessica and Luke had in her, and had a great deal of respect for both Luke and Jessica, they where barley visible to her and yet here they where wanting to take a bath with her, even though they could both die.

“Ok, how about the both of you get into the Lilly carrier, and I’ll carry you both to the bathroom” Jennifer said.

Jessica pulling Luke by the arm ran into the Lilly carrier, Jessica couldn’t wait for the fun and pleasure that both her and Luke where about to have. Pleasure that not many Lilliputians had ever experienced in their lives.

“Are you guys in the carrier? Jennifer asked.

“Yes we are both in” Jessica said into her headset.

Hearing Jessica, Jennifer lifted the tiny speck-sized carrier and walked into the bathrooms.

“I’m going to place you guys on the sink, you can both can take your close off their.” Jennifer said. Jennifer carefully placed the Lilly carrier on the sink and watched as two smaller specs walked outside the bigger speck-sized carrier. Jessica and Luke exited the carrier and they both found themselves on a white plain, they knew that they where on Jennifer’s sink but that sink was big enough to hold a entire Lilliputian city maybe even a country. Both Jessica and Luke could barley see the edge of the sink and yet it barley came up to Jennifer’s fine toned belly. Luke looked at Jessica and saw her start to strip off her close and followed suit, Luke glanced at Jennifer and saw that she was also taking off her close. Jennifer started with her top, taking it off and throwing it on the floor, revealing meteor sized Breasts that could easily destroy cities and permanently change the landscape of Lilliput forever, then she took of her long pants revealing her white underwear, which dwarfed mountains and skyscrapers. Then Jennifer took of her white panties to reveal her moon size bare butt and a pussy that could swallow thousands of cities and still be hungry for more. Luke could feel a huge gust of air that would constantly make him take a step back, and he realized that, that gust of air came from Jennifer taking off her close and throwing them of the floor, a simple and normal act to Jennifer was able to produce hurricane force winds for Luke. Luke then saw Jennifer’s pubic hair that surrounded her pussy and new that a single Strand could easily kill thousands of Lilliputians, and their where thousands of these pubic hair that where surrounding her pussy, pubic hair that was stronger than steal and could tear apart skyscrapers. Jennifer was a goddess to Luke and Jessica.

Jennifer still couldn’t believe that she was doing this, she didn’t know why she was so nervous, especially towards Lilliputians she could barley see. As she took off her close she couldn’t help but think that she was giving Jessica and Luke that biggest show of their lives. She looked at her breast and imagined Luke and Jessica on her nipple, a nipple that dwarfed their tallest skyscraper, a nipple that could support a whole Lilliputian city, two Lilliputian standing on her nipple would have a lot of room, this thought alone gave her shivers. Jennifer looked at her pussy and imagines Luke and Jessica on her clitoris that dwarfed them both. Jennifer shook her head why was she thinking these things, she couldn’t be turned on by Jessica and Luke, could she, never once in her life did she ever think about doing anything sexual to any of the tiny races especially to a Lilliputian that where so small that they would drawn in the smallest ounce of her pussy juices. Jennifer decided to put such thoughts out of her mind, and walked over to the bath tub to turn on the Faucet. Luke and Jessica where completely naked and watched Jennifer walk over to the tub with seismic foot falling quakes and turned on the faucet. Luke and Jessica could hear gallons of water start to fill up the bathtub, neither of them could imagine how much water was being used in the bathtub, more water than any lake or even ocean in Lilliput. Jennifer field up the bathtub with warm soupy water and walked back toward the sink to check on Jessica and Luke.

“Are you both ready” Jennifer asked with the same soft tone ( but Luke thought he heard a little excitement in Jennifer's voice).

“Oh we were born ready!” Jennifer yells into the head set that cause Jennifer to giggle a little bit.

“How about you Luke?” Jennifer asked looking at the speck she knew to me Luke

“I’m ready too” Luke said with a smile.

“Ok how about you guys get on my nail.” Jennifer said extending her nail to both of the Lilliputians. Jennifer’s nail dwarfed both Luke and Jessica, and with much difficulty, Luke and Jessica were able to climb her nail. Luke was on all fours breathing hard.

“Ok we’re on”. Jessica said tired as well.

Jennifer hearing Jessica stood up strait and walked towards the bathtub. To the two Lilliputians on the nail of a Brobdingnagian it was like they where in a car going 100 miles per hour. Luke and Jessica couldn’t believe how fast they where going, their lives where in the hand of Jennifer, if Jennifer wasn’t careful then with just a twitch of her finger both Luke and Jessica would go flying to their deaths. Soon the bath tub came into view, Luke and Jessica where surprised, this bathtub, bigger than anything built by a Lilliputian was field with gallons of water, deeper than any ocean, and it was nothing but a bath to a giant like Jennifer.

“Hey what's that”. Jessica asks pointing to something floating in the middle of the bathtub.

“That would be for you two.” Jennifer said into the headset, bending down slowly so that both Luke and Jessica could get a better look.

“It is a boat for the both of you, what do you both think.” Jennifer asked

“It’s beautiful you bought this for us.” Luke said into his head set.

“Yep now you guys will be pretty safe” Jennifer said putting them on the boat.

“Hang on! I'm coming in.” Jennifer said. Luke and Jessica saw Jennifer stand up straight, and couldn’t even see her face anymore, it was blocked off by her gigantic boobs. Jennifer stood straight up and kept her eyes on the two speck-sized people on the small boat. What did she look like to Jessica and Luke? As she put her right leg in the water, she saw the tiny boat violently rock back and forth by the tiny (to her) waves she was creating, she saw the two specks that where Luke and Jessica tumble and fall. She couldn’t help but giggle. She continued to get in, putting her left leg in as well, the waves kept on getting more violent. Jennifer could hear the screams of Luke and Jessica coming from her headset, she smiled. Jennifer slowly sat down in the warm soupy water and watched as tiny (to her) drops of water fell off her body and headed toward the boat threatening to sink it.

Luke and Jessica saw Jennifer put her right leg in and waves big enough to destroy whole entire cities crashed in to the boat. Luke and Jessica went flying, falling on top of each other and running into things, and this was only one foot. Then came the other foot. Waves bigger than 100 feet threatened to destroy the boat. Luke and Jessica would have drowned if they didn’t hold on to the side of the boat. Luke saw that both of Jennifer’s legs where in the bath, he looked up and still couldn’t see her face (the steam of the bath hiding it from view).Then it happened Jennifer started to sit down, slowly but surely her apocalyptic rear started to descend as soon as it hit the water meteor size drops of water and raging waves started to target the ship. To Luke and Jessica it seemed like the end of the world. A loud “BOOM!” shook the boat more violently than any wave had before and the shock wave made both Luke and Jessica rise off the boat a couple feet in the air and slammed them back on the deck. Luke getting up noticed that the boat had gotten dark, Luke and Jessica looked up and saw Jennifer’s moon size hand covering the boat.

Jennifer seeing huge drops of water heading toward the boat, put her hand over it in a protective way to protect it from sinking

“Sorry about that are you guys ok”?
June 8, 2023
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