She gets her lipstick out, ready to kiss-crush it
Getting out her red lipstick and applying it, ready to crush her former town with a big wet kiss. All of her former peers and her neighbors were absolutely decimated with just her lips. Thousands were crushed with a simple kiss. She thought, how many tons her lips must weigh to those microbes she once, heck even just the lip stick itself must weigh thousands. Thoughts like this were really setting in. She was superior now, she was more than a goddess to the Lillies now, gods and goddesses to Lillies are bugs to her now. Were these 100'000 Lillies worth to even be graced with her crush, being crushed by her body It's not like there's trillions of others to crush, but how could she demonstrate her power? She didn't want a simple boot crush, she considered a pinkie toe crush or just scraping the town up with her finger nails which were now 8572 feet to the them (7mm to her).
Still holding her lipstick tube open near her lips, she drops it!
Still holding her lipstick tube open near her lips, she drops it!
June 8, 2023
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