Chapters 1-20, of 10,000
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"Back in the cafeteria... You only ate a little bit of cake, a couple of handfuls, which for Lillie appetite standards was barely a morsel but you saw that Jim ate enough to make a dent that'd be v..."
1.82K words · 38 views
"Finally getting a good look at Ursa's neighbor, Max froze. She looked just as formidably attractive as the few times he'd seen her around campus before—especially thanks to her current thick layer ..."
1.29K words · 103 views
""Ursa!" Catching the Siberian amazon's eye, the Chinese junior beamed. "Damn, girl, you look great!"   "Oh, spasiba." Looking down at her pink frilly sun dress, Ursa blushed. "Is nothing, really...."
1.62K words · 90 views
"Chrissy's hands were trembling from sheer anger while at the same time, she sensed an ominous fear like she'd never felt before, not even when she stood before Jen, berating a girl a thousand times..."
1.75K words · 81 views