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First, just to be clear, I am not trying to copy any of the stuff made by FFtheSnake.

Second, this interactive may have the word "Teens" in the title, but I can also allow
the Powerpuffs to be as old as their twenties. I also tend to imagine them as they
looked in the episode "City of Clipsville," only instead of being ditzy, they'd still
behave somewhat like they did in canon, except with a little more maturity.
Also, They may or may not have their own house and their breasts would be
a little bigger and rounder, but I digress.

As I said, this interactive will allow us to take a look into the future to see
what kinds of adventures The Powerpuff Girls will have in their adolescent
years. Mostly any fetish I can think of is allowed except for torture, anything
involving bodily wastes, and especially death.

Finally, proper grammar and spelling is greatly appreciated.

Well, that's it. Have fun!

Note: The girls will be 18 years old or older in this interactive.

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